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Capitalism: A Love Story... The Movie.


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Every time the subject of Moore comes up, I insert a link to this page:


Documentary or Fiction?

It basically goes into detail concerning two individual scenes from Columbine. In both cases, elements were pulled from multiple sources, and edited together in order to say things that weren't even true.

(For example, taking the "Willie Horton Ad", which was not run by George Bush, and taking the words "I'm George Bush, and I approved this message" from an actual Bush ad, and splicing them together.)

In the case where he's attacking Charleton Heston and the NRA, he actually splices together elements from several different speeches, including combining portions of two sentences to create a sentence which he never said.

I'll freely admit that I've never seen a Moore movie. Frankly, I can't fathom why anybody would watch a movie where the movie can show you something that's on videotape, and I can't trust that the video that shows Person X saying Y, and be certain that Person X actually said Y.

I can understand arguments about "he misunderstood me!", when we're talking about things that aren't on tape. I can understand arguments about "well, he's taking things out of context". (Although in my experience, most cases where people claim that, what they mean is "here, let me attempt to claim that those words which I actually said, belong over here, in this other context".)

I can't understand watching something from someone who isn't ashamed of fraud.

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