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Disagree with Sitting Collins in Pre-Season


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Why wasn't Todd Collins given the opportuity to compete for the Starting job? I know its not likely for him to take it from Campbell, but it's not like Campbell has completely solidified his spot. I am a big JC fan, but I don't understand the approach of sitting him against the Jags.

Maybe they already know what they have in Collins and are content with him as a backup. But I can't imagine Collins opting to sit out of the preseason game, unless he doesn't have a competitive spirit and doesn't have the drive to be great.

I know Collins is one hit from coming in, but he should have a chance to compete and get a lot of preseason action. Pre-season is his only chance to play and prove that he still has it.

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Maybe they already know what they have in Collins and are content with him as a backup.

I know Collins is one hit from coming in, but he should have a chance to compete and get a lot of preseason action. Pre-season is his only chance to play and prove that he still has it.

I don't agree with Zorn's approach to preseason giving Collins and Campbell such low number of preseason passing attempts.


I think Zorn is very happy with Campbell as the unquestioned No.1 and Collins as the No.2.

I think Zorn wanted to give Colt and Chase every possible chance to get noticed and move up the depth chart and make a bid to be considered for the number 2 spot.

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If you need to ask that question maybe you should read a book on football 101 or something before you come making threads on the message board.

Have you read that book? Normally when a team tries all offseason to get rid of a quarterback, they typically give the 2nd string qb a chance to get the spot.

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He should have had a chance to compete with Campbell, because the last time he had in-game action(6 games in 2007 ?) his rating was superior to Campbell. I think people just think hes old so he can't play anymore. He doesn't have a lot of wear and tear.

so your thinking Collins is better oookkk. How many more years do you think he has. There is an above average QB class coming up. If JC isn't the long term answer shouldn't we find that out this year?

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I don't understand the OP wanting to post this when he already has posted the answer.

The team knows what they have in Collins. He is 36. You know what you are getting. JC is the incumbent starter and would-be future QB if he succeeds. JC has a tremendous upside if he can have a good season. There was more question about the 3rd QB position.

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Chase vs. Colt, a battle in which neither really 'won'. Jeff Garcia has a better chance of making the Redskins' active roster than either of these two.

Well, they both had flaws, Colt too damn hard-headed- Chase too damn short lol.

Garcia however isn't the answer. No more Worn out Vets-- We need young guys for the future, so It was a worthy project and means The skins are going in the right direction.

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If Collins was ever going to be the starter, it had to be under Al Saunders two years ago. Our goal is to win long term and a 38 year old can't give us that. Also, he looked like a servicable backup in the time he got, better than our developmental guys but not better than Campbell, not anymore.

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Have you read that book? Normally when a team tries all offseason to get rid of a quarterback, they typically give the 2nd string qb a chance to get the spot.

I'm sorry, did you even watch the last playoff game this team played? Did you?

When the line is good, Jason Campbell is better than Todd Collins, no interceptions in the first 8 games, we went 6-2.

In the second half of the season there was practically no protection. It was just as bad as the Seattle game. Todd Collins can't play getting jacked up every time he drops back. We couldn't even do seven step drop backs against the freaking 49ers.

Jason Campbell was going to be replaced BY A PRO BOWL QUARTERBACK! Todd Collins =! Jay Cutler. You Campbell haters are insane. I've never seen someone claim they root for a team yet hate on them like tr1 on a cowgirl. Nothing the QB does will ever please you, it's pretty disgusting.

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Well, they both had flaws, Colt too damn hard-headed- Chase too damn short lol.

Garcia however isn't the answer. No more Worn out Vets-- We need young guys for the future, so It was a worthy project and means The skins are going in the right direction.

I said 'better chance'. Chance. You know, JC or TC or both of them gets a season-ending injury and they need someone who knows the O to step in....

Or they could cough up draft picks for Matt Flynn...

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If Collins was ever going to be the starter, it had to be under Al Saunders two years ago. Our goal is to win long term and a 38 year old can't give us that. Also, he looked like a servicable backup in the time he got, better than our developmental guys but not better than Campbell, not anymore.

No, the goal is to win a superbowl. I have confidence in Campbell and Collins to do this for us, but I just think Collins should have had more of a chance to compete. Why didin't they let him play more?

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No, the goal is to win a superbowl. I have confidence in Campbell and Collins to do this for us, but I just think Collins should have had more of a chance to compete. Why didin't they let him play more?

As I said, Collins is in his late 30's and displayed competence in the offense. He proved himself the undisputed #2. The top job was never going to be in question once training camp opened.

I don't know about you but my goal is to win multiple super bowls and to always be in contention. Even if Collins got you one (Im not sure he would even with Saunders), you immediately go back to square one when he retires. If you want a super bowl, you need a QB who will be here for years to come.

Let's look at the last few winners: Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Ben Roethlisberger (2), Eli Manning

All of those guys are undisputed franchise QBs and will be around for years to come if they haven't been already. That's what we need, a QB who will be here and be great for ten+ years. I won't tell you Campbell is that guy but I can tell you that Collins can't be.

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