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Have we ever "done enough?"


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There's always "so much more work to be done." It's gotten me thinking lately. Have we ever -- in any area -- addressed a problem and "done enough?"

Think about it:

"We elected an African-American president, but there's still so much more work to be done."

"We've cleaned up the environment, but there's still so much more work to be done."

"We've made strides toward breaking the glass ceiling for women, but there's still so much more work to be done."

Is it because if we admit victory the interest group in question loses their power? Or am I missing something? Have we EVER done enough???

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"When young men seek to be like you;

when lazy men resent you;

when powerful men look over their shoulder at you;

when cowardly men plot behind your back,

when corrupt men wish you were gone and evil men want you dead...

Only then will you have done your share."

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Bart: Work here is done. I'm needed elsewhere now. I'm needed wherever outlaws rule the West, wherever innocent women and children are afraid to walk the streets, wherever a man cannot live in simple dignity, wherever a people cry out for justice.

Crowd: [in unison] BULL****!

Bart: All right, you caught me. Speaking the plain truth is getting pretty damn dull around here.

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