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What do you think a coach's real intent is?!


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Coaches are human beings also right?!

I sometimes wonder what a coach's real intent is when he's going to shake hands with the coach of the opposition. If it is on the winning side, does saying "A good game, you gave it all you could" ever warrant more of a face rub especially if it is against a hated rival. Versus on the losing side, are you more constructed to act civilized in the eyes of humanity (the public) rather than acting childish and moronic?!

I prefer to always be on the winning side of things because I do not know how I would handle losing. :D

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Well having coached youth sports over the last few years for my son I always go and shake the other coach's hand out of sportsmanship, I usually say "Good game" or something like that. However, on one occasion where we played a baseball team who's coach and ass. coach were complete jerks and continually challenged calls and yelled at their own kids and basically spent the entire hour giving a clinic on "How not to coach youth sports" I went and shook their hands, but I said nothing to either one of them.

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I have to agree with Ashbury here. I coach girls basketball and we had a coach who was just an idiot. He had one of his girls take out my best girl. He laughed when it happened. One of my girls was benched due to fouling out and his bench, him included, applauded loudly and encouraged his side to taunt the player while walking off the court.

I didn't even shake his hand. I walked away. IMO when one doesn't show sportsmanship or honor during a game, you don't deserve anything after a win or loss.

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Yeah, I don't know if a handshake is a given. Don't do it unless you're sincere. I coach a girls' soccer team and opposing coaches' behavior can be atrocious. I've been in the game all my life and I'm a good player in my own right, so I don't feel like I have anything to prove. I just keep quiet on the sidelines and observe. In my sport in-game coaching doesn't do much, IMO. Coaching should be done in practice, not during the game. It's a little late to be creating good behavior during games.

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