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FoxSports: Ranking the NFL: Insider grading on every franchise


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3. Philadelphia Eagles

Final Score: 71.0

The Eagles didn't get a grade in any category under 8.5. This is a great organization, from owner Jeff Lurie , to the PR staff to the talent and good guys on the playing roster. Andy Reid and his outstanding coaching staff proved to be the difference between the Eagles and rival Giants.

4. New York Giants

Final Score: 69.5

Jerry Reese has done wonders in the draft since taking over for Ernie Accorsi as general manager. The Giants received high marks for head coach, ownership , defense, and quarterback. When it comes to the Mara and Tisch families, everything is touched with class. The Giants die hard fan base and a new stadium helped with the grade for intangibles.

12. Dallas Cowboys

Final Score: 59

Jerry Jones, owner, got a 9.5. Jerry Jones, general manager, got a 2.5. The incredible fan support helped the Boys and the quest for so many free agents to join "America's team" helped Dallas get a 10 for intangibles. Wade Phillips got a 5 while his staff got a 7.

24. Washington Redskins

Final Score: 46.0

I like Jim Zorn's staff with Greg Blache and Joe Bugel. It's Jim Zorn himself that made the ranking plummet. And Dan Snyder. And Vinny Cerato. Even a strong defensive grade couldn't save Washington.

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