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Is it now OK to lie?


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Ok JackC you and the leftist author make an accusation. Prove it.

Your interpetations and inferences don't hold water with me because of your ideological dogma. So instead of shouting your blather from the rooftops find the blue dress. Know what I mean?

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Originally posted by Air Sarge



I guess it's been alright since then.

Actually I think the modern version of it started with - I am not a crook. Or was it Read my lips? Of course the I did not have sex with that woman was a great lie too.

Now - where again did the author state that he was a leftist? I guess I forgot to read between the lines and assume everyone who writes is a liberal Bush hating Democrat.


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Now - where again did the author state that he was a leftist? I guess I forgot to read between the lines and assume everyone who writes is a liberal Bush hating Democrat.

Well not exactly TEG but it dosen't take too much analysis (a reading between the lines as you put it) to infer what this author's true leanings are. Not too many authors , these days, characterize themselves as leftists. To much of a negative connotation. A progressive, a liberal, a compassionate etc. But a leftist, a communist not these days.

ALL politicans lie. Some are more skilled in utilizing it than others and some are more blatant than other but in the end I think it's a

reasonable conclusion that all politians lie.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

Actually I think the modern version of it started with - I am not a crook. Or was it Read my lips? Of course the I did not have sex with that woman was a great lie too.

Now - where again did the author state that he was a leftist? I guess I forgot to read between the lines and assume everyone who writes is a liberal Bush hating Democrat.


And don't forget, there is a huge liberal media bias, so anything you see that is disagrees with Bush is slanted but anything that supports him is patriotic and balanced. :shootinth

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Some ammo from a perspective other than the left. I suggest that the left are substantially better at "lying" than the right.

The Truth About Bush’s “Lies”

An attack from the Left misfires.

here's an idea gaining momentum among Democrats and pundits on the left: George W. Bush is a bigger liar than Bill Clinton ever was. Writers like Paul Krugman of the New York Times, E. J. Dionne and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, and Harold Meyerson of The American Prospect have all suggested that Bush has a serious problem with the truth, while others, like The Nation's Eric Alterman, have said flatly, "President Bush is a liar." The Post's Richard Cohen invoked Mary McCarthy's famous jab at Lillian Hellman — "Every word she writes is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'" — before concluding: "The same cannot yet be said about George W. Bush and his administration, but it has not been around as long as Hellman was and is not nearly as creative."

On the web, Bushwatch.com maintains a special "Bush Lies" section, while another site, Dailyhowler.com, keeps up a running commentary on the president's alleged untruths. And this fall, sometime comedian Al Franken will no doubt be pushing the idea in his book, Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them — A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. In short, accusing the president of lying is a growth industry on the left.

What seems particularly galling to liberal writers is the notion that Bush is getting away with his lies even as his predecessor was flayed for lesser offenses. "If a Democrat, say, Bill Clinton, engaged in Bush-scale dishonesty, the press would be all over him," Drake Bennett and Heidi Pauken wrote in a recent issue of The American Prospect. "Unless the voters and the press start paying attention, all the president's lies will have little political consequence — except to certify that we have become something less than a democracy."

No lies here

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this is good! no great!...focus on that while the policy defeats continue to roll on in!!!!!!

it must be terribly, terribly frustrating. there may even be instances in which the left has the proverbial cat by the tail. problem is....after 40 years of moral equivocation, failed elitist policies, diversity inspired discrimination, reverse discrimination, security neglect, America hatred......NO ONE IS LISTENING!!!!!!

what moral quarter was held by the left has been spent. gone. finito. It hasn't sunk in yet that they are not trusted by the American people either. Their agenda is a known quantity.

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Originally posted by fansince62

this is good! no great!...focus on that while the policy defeats continue to roll on in!!!!!!

it must be terribly, terribly frustrating. there may even be instances in which the left has the proverbial cat by the tail. problem is....after 40 years of moral equivocation, failed elitist policies, diversity inspired discrimination, reverse discrimination, security neglect, America hatred......NO ONE IS LISTENING!!!!!!

what moral quarter was held by the left has been spent. gone. finito. It hasn't sunk in yet that they are not trusted by the American people either. Their agenda is a known quantity.

You're wrong my friend. If there is any fire to the smoke being tossed by ASF and others, Americans will rise up and push the evil Republicans from every political job in this country! Mark my words.

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Originally posted by fansince62

this is good! no great!...focus on that while the policy defeats continue to roll on in!!!!!!

it must be terribly, terribly frustrating. there may even be instances in which the left has the proverbial cat by the tail. problem is....after 40 years of moral equivocation, failed elitist policies, diversity inspired discrimination, reverse discrimination, security neglect, America hatred......NO ONE IS LISTENING!!!!!!

what moral quarter was held by the left has been spent. gone. finito. It hasn't sunk in yet that they are not trusted by the American people either. Their agenda is a known quantity.


If no one is listening - then why did you respond?

Seriously...you can spout the party line about liberalism dieing...but the truth remains. It will survive and adapt. Much like christian conservatism. Both are fringe elements of their party.

But hey - its ok - you not listening anyways :rolleyes:

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right.........and the impact on policy is?

and the leaders will come from where?

But you miss what I have been saying all along.......the various factions have become entrenched. there is a 40/43% split across the board. not enough on either side of the aisle to generate sweeping change. but more than enough to undercut anything that isn't desirable. more than enough to undemine any major efforts through shere spite. that's the reality. no matter how this all plays out, you don't believe that this acrimonious debate isn't going to have lasting consequences for a long, long time do you?

suppose the worst imaginable happens between now and november 2004 leading the electorate to think: "well those dems may want to reach into my back pocket at every opportunity; and yes they have have been anti-defense for decades; and yes they have executed distinctly anti-democratic practices; and yea they are a rather morally relativist bunch; and yea the party is driven by the extreme on the left; true they have placed some wildly unrepresentative candidates of their own as Supreme Court nominees; sure they may favor concentrated interest groups like trial lawyers over the ordinary citizen; and perhaps they are a tad overly ambitious when it comes to centralizing health care....but what the hell...they can't be worse than those lieing SOBs in power now. you know what? i'm going to work overtime not only to elect those closest to represenatitive Americans like Pelosi, but I'm going to push real hard for the 60 seats needed in the Senate to really make things jump."

It aint gonna happen, the balance of power in either instituion may change, but the country is too ideologically divided to permit the sort of unity you imagine. that is Clinton's real legacy!!!!

playing with the archangels of goodness on this board isn't the same thing as the "Real World".....

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