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Powell was under pressure to use shaky intelligence on Iraq: report

The Evil Genius

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Originally posted by Yomar

His reputation will be based on the success or failure of President Bush, he has to fight for what he believes is right and so does everyone else in the room, that in and of itself isn't news, but the way it is being done semi-publicly I think must make things far more bitter and personal than they otherwise would be.

I'm not sure that Powell's reputation - barring a catastrophe - is staked to Bush's reputation as long as he persists in being perceived as "the good guy" in the Administration. Powell was a public figure long before the President was, and his approval figures have always exceeded Bush's, even when Bush's were impossibly high.

Let's also remember one thing. The "truth" of intelligence information is that the veracity of given bits of data are often debatable. A philosophical difference between people as to what data to point to when making an argument doesn't automatically boil down to one person lying and the other telling the truth.

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Atleast my pokes on this site at the decision makers in Washington were acqurate. It just proves to me that this country is on the brink of collaspe. The rich get richer the poor get poorer, and the men and women who die n vain for this countries ideals are spinning in there grave. God please bless America.


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Although I suspect I'm regarded as one of the more anti-administration, pro-conspiracy people here (thanks, ASF, for running out there in front and drawing all the fire), this story that there are differences between administration officials ain't news.

Just like, whenever there's a plane crash, no matter what the eventual cause, it's guaranteed that there will be some memo from some guy warning about the problem. (To the great delight of trial lawyers everywhere.)

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Atleast my pokes on this site at the decision makers in Washington were acqurate. It just proves to me that this country is on the brink of collaspe. The rich get richer the poor get poorer, and the men and women who die n vain for this countries ideals are spinning in there grave. God please bless America.


Damn Chickenlittle, perhaps you should post more often. :rolleyes:

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