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Lavar answers your questions


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It's funny what he says other players will think with signing Big Al to a big contract. Just because Lavar wasn't brought in here as a FA doens't mean other players didn't think the same thing about Lavar when he signed his "richest contract for a LB'er in NFL history." Talk about pot meet kettle.

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It's funny what he says other players will think with signing Big Al to a big contract. Just because Lavar wasn't brought in here as a FA doens't mean other players didn't think the same thing about Lavar when he signed his "richest contract for a LB'er in NFL history." Talk about pot meet kettle.

Here's the thing- in the NFL today, the contracts are more about the guaranteed money than anything else, because that is what the player will get for sure, and what the team is responsible for in "dead money" if the player is released without getting paid all of that.

So yes, Haynesworth did sign a deal that is over $100 million. That's for his and his agents bragging rights, but he isn't going to see nearly that amount of money when it's all said and done, and that's something that's been discussed in other threads here when the details were announced. I doubt the players will be nearly as upset as Arrington thinks they will be.

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It's funny what he says other players will think with signing Big Al to a big contract. Just because Lavar wasn't brought in here as a FA doens't mean other players didn't think the same thing about Lavar when he signed his "richest contract for a LB'er in NFL history." Talk about pot meet kettle.

you missed what he was saying..he saying he knows because he has been there. He said your teammates will joke with you about it but behind your back they will talk about it...because that was him. When he got here and when the Giants paid him all that money. Its not the pot callling the kettle its someone speaking who has been the one with the big contract before. Its like some of you just want to hate so bad that you dont even listen. Someone says 1 thing and you just hear something else because you want to be negative. Its sad..i hope you dont live your normal life like that. Did you not hear him gone to say "i have been there" and there is no way to live up to the hype no matter what you do. He said i could never live up to the hype unless i jumped over the line on every play. Just listen and stop hating.

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I have talk to countless players since big Al contract and his nick name is the 100 million dollar man all across the NFL. Yes what you say about his contract is true Thomas but dont get it twisted he still makes way more money then most. NO matter which number you want to go with the 100 or the guarntee money its more then all the other players. The 20 he is getttng next year alone is eye popping to players.

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I have talk to countless players since big Al contract and his nick name is the 100 million dollar man all across the NFL. Yes what you say about his contract is true Thomas but dont get it twisted he still makes way more money then most. NO matter which number you want to go with the 100 or the guarntee money its more then all the other players. The 20 he is getttng next year alone is eye popping to players.

Why wouldn't it be? He's the first guy in the NFL to sign a $100 million contract. It's really a four year, $48 million deal with $41 guaranteed. Not even half of the $100 million.

Besides which, if the team is winning, unlike when the team had Arrington, I doubt they will care much, especially if guys find they get some more sacks or get turnovers based off attention Haynesworth gets. That just means that they will be getting their pay day too.

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A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

has a grandiose sense of self-importance

is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

believes that he or she is "special".

requires excessive admiration

has a sense of entitlement

is interpersonally exploitative

lacks empathy

is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes


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Here's the thing- in the NFL today, the contracts are more about the guaranteed money than anything else, because that is what the player will get for sure, and what the team is responsible for in "dead money" if the player is released without getting paid all of that.

So yes, Haynesworth did sign a deal that is over $100 million. That's for his and his agents bragging rights, but he isn't going to see nearly that amount of money when it's all said and done, and that's something that's been discussed in other threads here when the details were announced. I doubt the players will be nearly as upset as Arrington thinks they will be.

oh I totally agree with you and fully understand that ... I just think it's funny to hear him speaking about how other players in the locker room will feel about brining in a high priced FA. Lavar claims there will be resentment, especially amongst the players who have "busted their asses for this team".

I wonder how does Lavar know what that is like? He was not a mid to low round draft pick who earned his stripes. Nor was he an un-drafted FA like Antonio Pierce or Demetric Evans who worked their way up the depth chart, despite receiving little financial rewards or recognition.

Lavar was the ultimate athlete and no doubt he worked hard in the wieght room, its only too bad the same cannot be said about his mental preparation and that he was unwilling to "prove" himself again to a new coaching staff. Despite what Lavar thought about the coaching staff, their decisions, etc. ... had he worked a little harder in the film room and not had sucha huge ego, he very well may have salvaged what was left of his career.

I have absolutely NO sympathy for that man.

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you missed what he was saying..he saying he knows because he has been there. He said your teammates will joke with you about it but behind your back they will talk about it...because that was him. When he got here and when the Giants paid him all that money. Its not the pot callling the kettle its someone speaking who has been the one with the big contract before. Its like some of you just want to hate so bad that you dont even listen. Someone says 1 thing and you just hear something else because you want to be negative. Its sad..i hope you dont live your normal life like that. Did you not hear him gone to say "i have been there" and there is no way to live up to the hype no matter what you do. He said i could never live up to the hype unless i jumped over the line on every play. Just listen and stop hating.

Please don't tell me I missed what Lavar was saying based on one comment from me, I listened to the entire thing twice ... and have formed my own educated opinion of the matter.

I heard exactly what he said, AND what he didn't say ... AND what he was alluding to. Whether or not you choose to have a different take on the interview is totally up to you and you're right ... but please do not try to insinuate that i am somehow not comprehending what was said.

Hows about you worry about yourself, and stop "hating" on me because I have a different opinion of the man.

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