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Who Thinks Redskins Pass Gut Check Against Eagles?


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this team pass a gut check? they just watched their slim playoff hopes go down the drain when they couldn't show up and beat the lowly bengals.

they are pathetic and have been since their loss to the rams. they were lucky to squeak out wins against the browns, lions and seahawks since then and could just as easily be 4-10 and losers of 9 straight as opposed to 7-7.

the two losses that really runined our season were the losses to the rams and the bengals. if we had showed up to beat those two teams, who are a combined 4-23-1 and really do flat out stink, we would be 9-5 right now and in control of our destiny. and might even have some swagger left for a gut check. but as of now they have none.

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So frustrating seeing the defense play so well and give the ball to the offense over and over again only to have them punt.

I feel like we're wasting our good defense because our offense can't compliment it.

I've felt like this for the last decade. If anyone thinks this defense is not good please refer to the Baltimore Ravens when their offense was HORRIBLE and they had tough years. I don't care how good your defense is, if your offense scores 11 points a game....You loose. Period. When was the last time a Skins offense average 20+ points per game for an entire season? I honestly don't know but if there was one recently it wasn't much more than 20. Frustrated is not the word I would use anymore. Disheartened....Fed up....Hysterical...Those are words I would use. I promised myself, yet again, before this season started I would not get my hopes up only to get them squashed again. So what happens...the Skins go 4-1 and I start to get my hopes up, knowing that there were so serious questions on the offense and defense that I didn't like to see( and got flamed for it every time I wrote on these forums...You're not a fan...Hey! We are 4-1 jerk!...etc...). Once we were 6-2 and I saw exactly how poorly our offense could be I would not let the Skins fool me again. I was totally prepared for this disintegration we have witnessed over the past few weeks. I will be prepared again next year as well. I am now numb to the effects of their poor performances. :2cents:

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He will be the Al Davis of the east coast where the only coaches who will take the job are under-qualified coordinators desperate for a gig.

Wait. :doh:

He already is the Al Davis of the East Coast and has been for years, he just pays better.

Which owner is responsible for coaches salaries going from around 1-2 Mil a year to 5-10 Mil a year? Thats right, Dan Snyder. He paid big bucks to get Spurrier here, then paid even more for Gibbs, Williams, Saunders, etc. He paid for it, I am not so sure that all of these coaches would have come here for the standard NFL coach contract that they would get from a real NFL organization like the Patriots, Colts, Eagles, or Steelers.

I think just having Gibbs here gave the organization a lot of bonus credibility that is now completely gone. So he promotes Vinnie, and hires Zorn. It's 2002 all over again except he didn't have to throw 25Mil at Zorn who was just as qualified for the Head Coaching position as Cerrato is the GM position. Remember, he fired Schottenheimer because he wanted his buddy back and even eating his remaining contract wasn't enough to stop him. While Cerrato wasn't picked up by any other team for any position, much less the GM position.

Here's a blurb from 2001 about the Schottenheimer hire:

"When asked on the air last month about the possibility of working for Snyder, Schottenheimer said, ''I don't think that our management styles are similar enough that we could coexist effectively.'' Today, Schottenheimer admitted to a change of heart. ''At first I felt our management styles were not similar,'' he said. ''But when I met him, I found him to be a very engaging guy, and totally committed to recapturing the winning tradition of the Washington Redskins.''

Schottenheimer's title places him one step below Snyder in football matters.

''Daniel Snyder is the owner of this football team,'' Schottenheimer said. ''But he has afforded me the opportunity to be involved in all the important decisions that affect the on-field success.''

In other words, Marty got a fat pay check but he was right. He couldn't coexist with Snyder. Snyder wanted him to give up his GM title, for what? What had he done wrong besides get rid of Cerrato in Snyders mind?

We've already heard this past offseason about Cowher and Spagnuolo supposedly turning down Snyder, and that was at a time when Snyder looked relatively good after the 4 Gibbs years. Who would want to coach here now, with Vinnie the hand puppet supposedly running the team? So I agree that Zorn will probably stay, who else would coach here? But that doesn't mean it won't be like the 2nd Spurrier season either.

Maybe we can release Portis and bring in somebody like Trung like Spurrier and Cerrato did. LOLOL.

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Gut check? We don't have enough bullets in the gun to think that this game is about "guts". Everyone on the team can play their hearts out. Zorn can call the perfect game. But if the line cant protect Jason Campbell and/or Jason doesn't pay better than he has all season, chances are we are going to lose.

It has nothing to do with a "gut check". :doh:

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The play on special teams, and our offense will determine the eventual outcome of this game.

I am not so concerned about the defense. For the most part, they do show up and come to play. Add a couple of good talented linemen, and perhaps a shut down DB and to compliment D'Angelo Hall and we would be awesome.

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