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I am Woman hear me roar


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Originally posted by codeorama

I really can't stand Hillary, but my wife loves her and so do her friends. I can't understand it.

maybe it's that " I am woman hear me roar" thing or maybe the male genitalia thing. ;)

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I despise the woman, but give her credit. She's done a brilliant job of transforming herself from just another politically ambitious liberal female to something of a political cult figure whose status transcends her actual political abilities or achievements. She's the white female equivalent in that regard of Jessie Jackson.

Most people who worship her would not be able to define her political philosophy to you (I frankly wouldn't either) but that's really not the point to them. Whether conscious or unconscious, they love what she symbolizes to them, which is a an outspoken and openly ambitious female leader who has achieved a high political office.

The delicious irony of course is that none of this would have happened, certainly not on the national level, were her husband not elected president. But never let the truth get in the way of perfectly nice fanatical cult worship! :laugh:

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