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Ah ha, A Fred Davis sighting


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Davis was on the field for most of the game, he just didn't get thrown to. That's on Campbell, who routinely looks for Moss or Cooley first.

Knowing what Moss and Cooley can do with the football, I think any quarterback would look for Moss and Cooley first. Besides, I think Fred Davis was used mainly as a blocker to help out our already beat-up OL.

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well its hard to throw to him if your campbell when they only put davis in to block, Once again another person blaming campbell for nothing, Watch the game and actually know whats going on, they took him out on 90 percent of third downs, and when he was in we ran the ball most of the time, Id say thats more on Zorn then campbell, But then again people on here think campbells the worse Qb in the NFl, I guess he was just good the first half of the season and then got bad over night and now he sucks. Half of the people on here sound like snyder, lets just get every QB in the NFl and put him behind these bum o line men then give them Randel EL 2 rookie receivers, and a head coach struggling to game plan right and see what they can do.

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The guy has made plays in the , uh, two opportunities he's had this season. With the season completely lost, I hope to see a lot of the young guys in the next two weeks. Activate Kelly next week and let's see what our young rookies can do. Thomas has shown flashes, but Kelly and Davis have barely had any chances. If nothing else, they should have a lot more fire and competitive drive out there than this team showed today. Let's see what these young guys can do!

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um no...if the first option is immediately unavailable, then jc takes the sack or tucks and runs.

the throw to davis was one of the few times this season that jc went to an option other than the 1 or dump off. ofcourse, some of that has to do with time, but i'll continue to ask: did the colt's line really grow over night after peyton set the nfl record for sacks?...does houston really pass protect better for sage/schaub than for david carr? i speculate that some, if not most, of that falls on the qb...

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