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mirrors edge


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Just got done playing this game, and it's pretty darn good. Not something really new, since it's alot like Prince of Persia in game play, but the concept is interesting.

The only bad thing is the end. More games are going for a harder game and easier ending that is more cinimatic. Game is pretty tough even on normal, and the ending is so easy it's laughable compared the game as a whole.

All in all it's a pretty fun game. Definetly a renter!!

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Def. a game I wanna get. I'll prob get that and Prince of Persia for Xmas.

Can't wait.

I also have Left 4 Dead. Such an awesome game. I mean who doesn't like killing hordes of zombies fast as Usain Bolt? lol

Mirror's Edge looks like a title that i will pick up once it hits the used bin. Interesting concept with it being a platformer in first person but I've heard that it's a rather short title.

Left 4 Dead on the other hand, is a wonderfully brilliant title. I've played the game nonstop for the past 3 weeks and it just never seems to get old. The versus mode almost plays like some sort of vitrual version of hide and go seek.

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