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Henry... Some SW's questions for you.


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Henry, as you know, I visit some Star Wars message boards. I wanted to get your opinion on some PT speculation..

1. Who removed Kamino from the Jedi Archives?

2. Who is Syfo Dyas?

3. Will Anakin become "Darth Vader" in title before he gets Mechanical?


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I'd say the answers to 1 & 2 are Dooku. He must have tunred to the Dark Side before he offiially left the order.

Although now that you bring it up, wouldn't it be a kick in the head if it were Windu? Think about it. He never actually fights Dooku. And I always wondered why he puts his light sabre to Jango Fett's neck instead. Then he leads the Jedi into a near suicidal battle, which he, of course, survives. Further, it's his idea to assign Anakin to protect Padme. Something happens to Windu before Ep 4. Maybe he's a bad guy. Just a theory.

I suspect Anakin goes bad before the full suit. But he already has the fake arm. So maybe it's a little of both. :)

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Originally posted by Henry

I'd say the answers to 1 & 2 are Dooku. He must have tunred to the Dark Side before he offiially left the order.

Although now that you bring it up, wouldn't it be a kick in the head if it were Windu? Think about it. He never actually fights Dooku. And I always wondered why he puts his light sabre to Jango Fett's neck instead. Then he leads the Jedi into a near suicidal battle, which he, of course, survives. Further, it's his idea to assign Anakin to protect Padme. Something happens to Windu before Ep 4. Maybe he's a bad guy. Just a theory.

I suspect Anakin goes bad before the full suit. But he already has the fake arm. So maybe it's a little of both. :)

I though exactly as you about Mace, but some spoilers have come out and that has been pretty much answered and I will respect your no spoiler stance.

I pretty much have felt that Syfo was a jedi and either Dooku or Sidious/Palpatine just used his name to make the order, but on one of the MB's I go to, a bunch of them think Syfo is actually Sidious because the similarity in the names "syfo dyas.... sidious".

They are speculating that to account for Sidious' beginning as a sith, that he had to be a jedi at some point, so obviously they think he is a shapeshifter too because the jedi would obviously recognize Palpatine. I'm not buying all that though, Lucas is usually not that "tricky". I think the obvious answer is the right one like you.

This isn't a spoiler but speculation, I think Anakin was probably the one who removed Kamino, but he probably did so at Palpatines request and didn't know he was doing anything wrong. Just a guess though.

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Syfo Dyas was said to have died 10 years prior to SW2, but they never said how. Two characters died in SW1 (which took place 10 years earlier)-- Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul. So it was likely one of those two with my guess being Darth Maul. All of these characters have dual identities so Darth Maul probably had a Jedi persona as well-- and could have even been a shapeshifter since Qui-Gon and Obi Wan didn't recognize him.

But that's just my opinion. And the only bit of Star Wars nerdery that I will participate in...

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Originally posted by dchogs

which character is syfo dyas? which episode? i'm guessing II

Episode II... When Obi Wan goes to Kamino (the cloners planet) they tell him Jedi Master Syfo Dyas put in the order for the clones. Obi Wan tells them that Syfo Dyas died nearly 10 years ago.

The big question is WHO went to Kamino and put in the order for the clones, was it someone impersonating Syfo Dyas (which I think) or was it Syfo Dyas himself, who could also be another character. If it was Syfo Dyas himself, that opens another can of worms.

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Originally posted by Buddha

Syfo Dyas was said to have died 10 years prior to SW2, but they never said how. Two characters died in SW1 (which took place 10 years earlier)-- Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul. So it was likely one of those two with my guess being Darth Maul. All of these characters have dual identities so Darth Maul probably had a Jedi persona as well-- and could have even been a shapeshifter since Qui-Gon and Obi Wan didn't recognize him.

But that's just my opinion. And the only bit of Star Wars nerdery that I will participate in...


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Originally posted by codeorama

Episode II... When Obi Wan goes to Kamino (the cloners planet) they tell him Jedi Master Syfo Dyas put in the order for the clones. Obi Wan tells them that Syfo Dyas died nearly 10 years ago.

The big question is WHO went to Kamino and put in the order for the clones, was it someone impersonating Syfo Dyas (which I think) or was it Syfo Dyas himself, who could also be another character. If it was Syfo Dyas himself, that opens another can of worms.

It could be that Dyas was killed by whoever used his name to order the clone army. Sidious sounds like a good candidate, but I still think think it was Dooku. Remember Jango Fett said Tyrannous hired him for the job and we know Dooku is Tyrannous. Therefore we already know Dooku was involved in the creation of this army in some capacity. It only then follows that he impersonated a leading member of the Jedi council to finish the deal.

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Originally posted by Henry

It could be that Dyas was killed by whoever used his name to order the clone army. Sidious sounds like a good candidate, but I still think think it was Dooku. Remember Jango Fett said Tyrannous hired him for the job and we know Dooku is Tyrannous. Therefore we already know Dooku was involved in the creation of this army in some capacity. It only then follows that he impersonated a leading member of the Jedi council to finish the deal.

Great point, I agree 100%.

Also, Dooku is the apprentice, but he does try to get Obi to Join him (like Vader tried with Luke in ESB). I'm sure Dooku has some of his own agenda going on as well.

I figure Dooku may have been the one to kill Syfo.

Most assume it's Sidious because of the similarity in the name. On one board today, a new one came up that seems pretty far fetched, but was funny how it worked out that way..

sYfO DyAs.... notice every other letter spell YODA...

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Sidious is to easy, and something is definately up with Windu. I only hope Lucas gets a real director for this film. The last two have been as dry as popcorn farts. Actually, after reading some of ASF's post, it must have been agents of the Imperial Isreali Defense Force.

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Yep, (shamlessly butting in), it would appear that young Anikin turns to the dark side full time before going mechanical. Star Wars lore has it that Darth Vader became his charming mechanical self after an epic battle with Obi Wan. Or is that Old Ben? I mean, he hadn't gone by Obi Wan long before Luke was born. :silly::D


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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Yep, (shamlessly butting in), it would appear that young Anikin turns to the dark side full time before going mechanical. Star Wars lore has it that Darth Vader became his charming mechanical self after an epic battle with Obi Wan. Or is that Old Ben? I mean, he hadn't gone by Obi Wan long before Luke was born. :silly::D


I agree with you. I think the Jedi Purge will begin before THE DUEL. Thus Anakin will have already "fallen to the dark side". Obi tries to bring him back to the light but fails, therefore, Anakin loses and suffers the injuries.

Big rumor going round that Sidious/Palpatine does the majority of damage to Anakin after he loses to Obi/Ben. Makes that scene in ROTJ mean a little more when Vader decides to help Luke.:D

(supposedly, Lucas got a bunch of ideas for Star Wars from the Japanese film "The Hidden Fortress". I watched it and there are some similarities. One evil warrior loses a duel with one of the good guys and his Lord scars up his face pretty bad. In the end, the scarred up guy helps the good guys escape. Spoiler reports are saying Palpatine punishes Anakin too... but we've got 2 years to wait and see.)

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