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Is Daniel Snyder the Peter Angelos of Football?


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When I think of Daniel Snyder, I also find myself thinking of Peter Angelos. They're both wealthy owners of local teams who meddle too much, change coaches too often and don't draft the best players.

One thing I'll give Snyder over the little Peter. Snyder really wants to win a championship and I think will spend any amount to obtain one. Peter just wants to put fannies in the seats.

What say you?

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I hate Peter Angelos for all he's worth, but with McPhail (sp?) is there now I am beginning to see change for the better in the O's.

As for Snyder, please don't compare him to Angelos. Neither of them are very good at making decisions related to the players, that's why McPhail was hired, and that's what we all hope Vinny can do.

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If Snyder hasn't figured out that money doesn't have anything to do with hiring the right coach and acquiring/drafting quality players then he's lost. The true test will be whether or not he recognizes that Zorn can get it done if and only if he has the players. When the old veteran linemen were healthy in the first six weeks of the regular season, they looked like elite studs. Now that we see that they can't get through an entire season b/c they're too old and don't possess the necessary skills to play at this level anymore, it makes it easier to point the proverbial finger.

If Snyder wants to save face by firing Zorn instead of righting his own errors that have blown up in his face time and time again, then Zorn will be fired. If Snyder does what he should do and keep Zorn, Zorn will help to restore this franchise into a winning one. If Zorn can win with these guys in Dallas and in Philly, he can get it done with young, fresh, healthy talent. Now we know that Zorn is getting it done with a crappy product. If people don't want to come to grips with that, fine, let them stay in denial.

This whole Zorn thing is not all that different from how Gibbs started out. People wanted Gibbs' head in year one, and he came three years after a pretty revered coach. I see Zorn as more of a young Gibbs and not a Pardee or Spurrier. Maybe others don't, but IMO Zorn is what this team has needed for quite some time. Let's see if Snyder sees that. I think that he does. Call me crazy, but I think that Snyder will definitely keep him around. Losing to the Bengals will change all of this though. 9-7 at worst keeps him here IMO. 8-8 or worse may get him a ticket out of town. I hope not though. :2cents:


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Heck no.

Star players in baseball say no to Angelos when he decides to throw big money at them.

Though if Snyder is stupid enough to listen to some idiot fans and toss Zorn aside after one season for a guy who benefited from an excellent GM in Pittsburgh but still underachieved until Bettis final year I might have to change my mind.

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If Snyder hasn't figured out that money doesn't have anything to do with hiring the right coach and acquiring/drafting quality players then he's lost. The true test will be whether or not he recognizes that Zorn can get it done if and only if he has the players. When the old veteran linemen were healthy in the first six weeks of the regular season, they looked like elite studs. Now that we see that they can't get through an entire season b/c they're too old and don't possess the necessary skills to play at this level anymore, it makes it easier to point the proverbial finger.

If Snyder wants to save face by firing Zorn instead of righting his own errors that have blown up in his face time and time again, then Zorn will be fired. If Snyder does what he should do and keep Zorn, Zorn will help to restore this franchise into a winning one. If Zorn can win with these guys in Dallas and in Philly, he can get it done with young, fresh, healthy talent. Now we know that Zorn is getting it done with a crappy product. If people don't want to come to grips with that, fine, let them stay in denial.

This whole Zorn thing is not all that different from how Gibbs started out. People wanted Gibbs' head in year one, and he came three years after a pretty revered coach. I see Zorn as more of a young Gibbs and not a Pardee or Spurrier. Maybe others don't, but IMO Zorn is what this team has needed for quite some time. Let's see if Snyder sees that. I think that he does. Call me crazy, but I think that Snyder will definitely keep him around. Losing to the Bengals will change all of this though. 9-7 at worst keeps him here IMO. 8-8 or worse may get him a ticket out of town. I hope not though. :2cents:


I agree with you. Synder would be nuts to fire Zorn. Zorn is doing fine. Zorn knows the OL needs fixing, and its not new to him. This is still Gibbs team that he built. Zorn needs his players. Patience. I think all these rumors are ridiculous. Give it time.

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