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JLC:Portis Rips Zorn (With Portis transcript)


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Some of you guys don't know what you want.

JG was always critized for never calling anyone out. He did it to a fault.

JZ is now the bad guy because he is honest. :rolleyes:

Portis may be the heart and sole of this team, but I guarantee this team would chug along with or without him. No one player is above the team. He needs to keep his friggin' big mouth shut. Be a real man, and bring it up to coach -- behind closed doors.

He may be all pro, but he sure isn't helping the Redskins any. Where's the maturity? Where's the leadership?

You guys want to know why there is disention in the locker room... look no further then Exhibit A -- Mr. Big Mouth Portis, who would rather stir the pot then win football games.

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You didn't.

It's the inference you give in both posts that he is. Your as good as giving him a free reign to do as he pleases because he's the star player and his performances on the field excuse him.

Clinton's a great player, who's had a heck of a season. No one in their right mind would question that. But just because he's a stud ON the field, doesn't excuse him being a total jack ass OFF it.

He may not agree with being benched, Hell, I admire that in him, it speaks to his will to win. But if your a team "leader", as he likes to portray, you ACCEPT what the HC decides is best, even if you don't like it, and suck it up for the sake of the team.

You DON'T act like a petulant little kid and cry your whiny ass off to the media because the big bad man who just HAPPENS to be your Head Coach stood up to you and told YOU to sit, rather than YOU telling HIM!

He's just darn lucky Zorn is his Coach, because i wouldn't like to think what someone like Mike Singletary would do to him.


I think you addressed this situation very well.Portis,though he is a great player needs to not air the team laundry over the airwaves.Zorn is not without fault and may in fact be in over his head but he is stiil the coach .The line where Clinton basically mocked Zorn with his genuis comment took it over the edge.
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Some of you guys don't know what you want.

JG was always critized for never calling anyone out. He did it to a fault.

JZ is now the bad guy because he is honest. :rolleyes:

Portis may be the heart and sole of this team, but I guarantee this team would chug along with or without him. No one player is above the team. He needs to keep his friggin' big mouth shut. Be a real man, and bring it up to coach -- behind closed doors.

He may be all pro, but he sure isn't helping the Redskins any. Where's the maturity? Where's the leadership?

You guys want to know why there is disention in the locker room... look no further then Exhibit A -- Mr. Big Mouth Portis, who would rather stir the pot then win football games.

Yeah, I'm right there with you (up until the last 10 words) but I get your drift.

Frankly, I'm amazed (not really) how many posters would love to see the inmates running the asylum.

Portis may be a very good back and one hell of a tough guy but a leader he is not.

STFU, Portis! Stfu and do your damn job. No more and no less.


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Wow! I think the division we are seeing on this board might just be a fairly accurate indication of the division that may be happening with the team! I don't post too often, but I spend a lot of time (probably waaaay too much!) reading post and finally wanted to address some things.

(1) When we are losing- Everyone wants someone or some specific "thing" to hang the blame on. Why? If we are able to place our failures on one player, or just a few things, then it becomes that much easier to continue to believe that "we would be elite if only (insert players name here) would get it together," or "if the (insert scheme, O or D Line, lack of Int's, lack of pass rush, playcalling, refs, etc.) were better, then we would be a SB contender!"

Face it, we are what we thought we would be at the beginning of the year... a team with talented players, in yet another new offense, with a rookie head coach, hoping to post anywhere from 5-8 wins.

(2) CP vs. Zorn- Many have voiced their views about the LEADERSHIP of this team. I have a few views of my own. Have any of you ever tried to push a piece of string across a table...from the trail end? How'd that work out for you? Leadership is always from the front!

A lot of folks here want CP to shut his trap and be a leader, but I say that is EXACTLY what he is doing! (Well, except for the shut his mouth thing, but you know what I mean!) The man who should be leading his men into battle CAN'T, because he's too busy dodging bullets himself, and seems to lack the courage to take a few "shots" for HIS team! If you are the HEAD anything, the ultimate responsibility rest with you, PERIOD! JZ hasn't figured that out yet. While this team may not give 110% for him yet, I still think he has a chance to turn things around.

On the other hand, I'd bet a ham sammich that they lay it all on the line for CP! (Thus the saying, as CP goes, so go the Redskins.) CP is not all about CP! Did anyone hear the way he protects JC every interview? Anyone see the way he does it on the field?

Show me a RB in the NFL who runs behind a line as old, small, and weak as ours, as many times as he does, with as many injuries as he has, and ask yourself if you'd need to take a break or two during the course of a game? Yet, how many games has he missed? That IS leadership...by example! I hear more hate for CP than Springs, who can't seem to play more than a game or two before being injured for the next four or five! CP may take himself out of the game for a few plays, but there are so many other players who dissapear for multiple games during the season!

Leaders are not leaders because of the title they hold, but in the manner in which they (a) accomplish the mission and (B) look out for the welfare of thier men. I truely believe that CP is asserting leadership, and is speaking for more than just CP. I believe that his rant reflected the pulse of many of the players on the team, and I have no doubt that they respect him for it! (He could have used a little more tact, but hey...attitude reflects leadership!) CP looks out for his teammates! Leading the league in rushing at midseason, and still being the #3 RB in the NFL...that's accomplishing the mission! (His mission at least. Winning games...that's the head coach's mission!)

Now, I am not at all against JZ, but I also understand that young and inexperienced leaders go through growing pains, often alienating the very people they are charged to inspire. I think he can be a very good coach, but it's no secret that he's got a lot of learning to do! I am not a big fan of calling out your men in public. Now, there are times when it can be very effective, but JZ seems to do this after every game, and I think the players are finally sick of it. Why is it never the playcalling (which most of us seem to agree has been pretty anemic) or failure to make adaquate adjustments at halftime, or anything OTHER than the "lack of execution" of the players. Folks had a cow when CP "called out" the O line, but seem not to mind that Zorn has caled out the rookies, CP, and the team in general, but NEVER ONCE said it's on me, I must work harder! Leaders MUST hold themselves accountable. Zorn does not.

(3) Behind closed doors- We all keep saying what was said in the media, shold have been said behind "closed doors." They are CLOSED DOORS, so how can any of us know what CP or JZ have said or attempted to say behind them? Maybe CP did try or has been trying for a while to speak with JZ without any success. Since no one really know, I'll move on.

(4) Communication- This is ALWAYS a problem when it isn't open and honest!

(a) benched vs. not benched? (honestly, has anyone here who has EVER played organized football, been benched and not know it or why? That is a communication problem and that rest with the coaching staff!)

(B) trying to rest your star RB vs. he hasn't practiced and chips when he should go out and goes out when he should chip? (That one get's a great big :wtf:? So, let me get this straight. All of a sudden, the hands down BEST blocking back in the NFL, forgot how and when to block??? I'm not buying that one, not after missing 2 practices! If that is the rule (don't practice, don't play, then it should start in week 1, not week 13!)

(5) JC isn't ready to be elite- Weren't we all saying the same thing about Eli before last season? How many fans said the same about Doug Williams for years? How long did it take a QB to throw just 1 measly TD in a game against the Ravens before JC? (and for Pete's sake, can we please stop calling for Colt! Hey, I like the kid too, but let's not throw him behind this line to get him killed before he even get's started, huh? Let's build in the trenches and give JC a real chance to bloom. If he does not, chunk his arse' and then we can at least put the new guy behind a line that can protect him.

Sorry, this is why I don't post much...long winded. :type:

For what it's worth, I still love MY REDSKINS! Always have, always will!



Semper Fidelis!


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This whole team needs to be blown up. We have a couple of good young receivers and defensive players that we need to start building around. Zorn has lost it for sure, and I expect that we'll see a personnel overhaul this offseason.

It must start with the GM and Head Coach!

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I read the transcript and I will preface this by saying I still think Zorn's done a pretty good job for his first HC job. But, I think Portis has a point. I was bewildered when I saw Portis on the sidelines. I'm glad I got to hear his side of it. However, I think Portis and Zorn need to keep this between them and work things out. And Zorn needs to understand that he can't just talk about the problems with the media without talking about it with his star running back.

I don't think Portis was ripping on his coach as much as trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Portis has been amazing this year. I think this rift between his coach and him needs to get fixed fast.

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Portis sounds like a 27 year old child.

I got the same feeling reading that... I have four children and they all act like that every now and again. "Look at me, Daddy! Look at me!!!"

That said, he does bring up some valid points. Sometimes I do question CP's work and practice ethic, but I can never question his on-field play - he always brings it 100%.

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I got the same feeling reading that... I have four children and they all act like that every now and again. "Look at me, Daddy! Look at me!!!"

That said, he does bring up some valid points. Sometimes I do question CP's work and practice ethic, but I can never question his on-field play - he always brings it 100%.

Bottom line right or wrong CP=TO

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Forum rule #11. Please do not use the “Quote” feature to quote huge blocks of text or pictures.

If you would like to respond to the contents of a particular post, simply quote the sentence or idea that you're commenting upon, not necessarily the entire post. It wastes space on the database and unnecessarily extends and clutters threads.

Well you would never know he went to college. Miami University is a joke for a school if he did graduate. A bunch of dummies graduating from the U. Listen to them talk for all the proof you need. He is a big child and Miami University should be under investigation for handing out fake diplomas. :doh:

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seems like portis was mainly upset that he lost his number 1 rushing status....

I mean, he's mad that he's not playing...

why? well, the only reason he gave was that he used to be number one in rushing, then they stopped rushing.... seems awfully sore about that.

He should have talked to Zorn first anyway...

Portis was on the side line because we were DOWN 14 POINTS and WE NEEDED PORTIS FOR THE NEXT 3 GAMES!

It's quite obvious. This was one of the smarter move's Zorn made. Its too bad that Portis is too worried about his "rushing" stats to see it.

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1. Clinton Portis should never be calling out his head coach in the media. It's the most damaging thing anyone has done to the team all season long. I think we should trade Clinton Portis while he is still performing and somewhat healthy. We could probably get a decent trade for him even though he rants like it's his business to do so.

2. Zorn has done a great job for a first year head coach (who had never even been an assistant head coach). How did Norv Turner and number of other Redskins head coaches (particularly in recent memory) do in their first season? If Dan Snyder throws Zorn under the bus for Bill Cowher, another team will pick Zorn up as their head coach.

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Clinton missed his block that lead to the first interception and eventually a TD. He missed be more then 8 feet. It was horrible. Then he fumbled 2 drives later that lead to a 2nd TD. If you go back and look at the firt few drives of the game (DVR), it is clear the CP was lost. His mistakes lead to a 14-0 Ravens lead. He should have been bench. The team pays CP to play not talk.

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