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A little perspective this sad Thanksgiving day we all share.

Gibbs Hog Heaven

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I'll make this short, before it get's swallowed up in all the other ST threads today.

The back end of last week, LKB put up an excellent thread that was stickied for a time, but now seems to of gotten relegated. A post basically about perspective on how far we should eulogize #21, and how some would almost turn him into some martyr like figure.

Now, I'm not going to castigate anyone for how they handle today.

Grief is probably the single hardest human emotion to reconcile with, and with the bond between fan and team being the strongest in many's life outside one's own family, the outpouring will be understandable.

It's certainly stinging hard here today just like it did 12 months back.

But as we sit down to give thanks today with heavy heart at what we lost as Redskins, let's not lose track of the REAL tragedy here.

That REAL tragedy being, as we naturally get caught up in wondering what effect he'd still be having on the football field, is that a family is sitting down this Thanksgiving to an empty table. A senseless act of violence that left a young girl with no father. Her mother with no partner. Parents with no son. A sister with no brother. That's the real tragedy that sadly get's caught up and washed over in all this.

A young girl with no father. Kinda' put's football TOTALLY in perspective.

God rest #21. Gone but never forgotten.

And God bless the family you left behind.

A fans sadness seems contrite compared to the emotion's they must be experiencing all over again today.


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I know as a father the part that hurts me the most is Jackie now growing up without her daddy. Just thinking about that chokes me up.

God Bless them all, grant them the strength they will need to get thru this day and all the days forward.

I second that! I'm a young father of two beautiful little girls and and couldn't even imagine or want to think about them growing up without me or there mother. Well anyway HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone and god bless the taylor family.

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I don't know if you've been reading people's posts, but most have been saying that the worst thing about losing Sean is that a little girl is growing up without her father. The vast majority are talking about Sean as a person, not a football player, and expressing their sympathy for his family and close friends. Nearly all seem to see the bigger picture.

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I don't know if you've been reading people's posts, but most have been saying that the worst thing about losing Sean is that a little girl is growing up without her father. The vast majority are talking about Sean as a person, not a football player, and expressing their sympathy for his family and close friends. Nearly all seem to see the bigger picture.

I had noticed that B&G as the day's gone on, which is nice to see in the main.

When i posted that early this am it was more to counter a lot of general posts that had been going a little too far the other way, and losing the human perspective.


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