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2 50 yard line lower level tix to skins v ny game and parking pass

Gary Clark Fan

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2 50 yard line section 101......$210 each.....only to true skins fans...also green parking pass...send me PM

It's great you are trying to put Skins fans in those seats but $210 each??

That a bit of a mark-up isnt it? Correct me if I'm mistaken but isnt the face on those $99+taxes=$108.90. Thats a profit of $101.10 each.

Just saying...........

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Oh, no worries there!

I'm just making sure anyone else that may be thinking about these has all the information to make an educated purchase.

I have no doubt you could sell them for this price on CL or Stubhub though.

exactly as that is what they are selling for and rather give a skins fan a chance at them.

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i believe his point, and probably others that will chime in is, don't sell them here with the ridiculous mark up. this is supposed to be a fan site, not stubhub or craigslist.

If you can't afford it stop ****ing. Your a new around here and maybe you missed the past threads regarding the Pitt game....Trying to avoid that...So sorry your panties are in a wad but the thread wasn't about you using it as a soapbox to complain. Go cry somewhere else.

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exactly as that is what they are selling for and rather give a skins fan a chance at them.

Thats the open market prices. (see 2nd reply)

If you can't afford it stop ****ing. Your a new around here and maybe you missed the past threads regarding the Pitt game....Trying to avoid that...So sorry your panties are in a wad but the thread wasn't about you using it as a soapbox to complain. Go cry somewhere else.

He has a very valid point. This is a fan site, Not the open market. We try and treat each other a little more fairly.

For the most part the acceptable mark-up is around 20%, to allow for some recovery from preseason games which we have to buy. Which would still leave you about an 80% profit.

Look, you can do whatever you want to do with your tickets, you paid good money for them. I'm just saying that trying to get open market prices here is usually frowned upon.

and for what it's worth - Yes, I sold 2 of my tickets to the Dallass game at face, no taxes to ES members. So I'm not just preaching here.

Good Luck selling your tickets.

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