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Who likes to gamble? (for free)

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So my friend showed me this website a few weeks ago and its a lot of fun. Its called CentSports, and basically its advertiser driven gambling. They give you a free 10 cents when you sign up and if you can bet wisely and turn that into $10, you can cash out. I have 70 bets so far and have only broken a dollar once (2cpwco9.jpg), but its still fun even if my bets haven't been that successful.

The way it works is like so...

You sign up and get a free 10 cents to deposit. When you make your first bet, you can bet in any increment of 1 cent to all 10 cents on whoever you want to bet on (ie: I've got 10 cents on the Caps tonight). After you place your bet, you can opt to have an advertiser sponsor a bonus for you. The site earns its money by people viewing the ads. If you're using Firefox, the ads aren't that bad at all, there are a few popups that I have seen when using the site on other computers, but nothing overwhelming. Also, if you use a hosts file to block most ad sites, you won't see any ads at all 2cpwco9.jpg!!

And in case you were wondering if this site is fishy or not, its not. But I used an old "junk" email account to register anyways. They don't ask for much information from you when you sign up, so I can only assume that they'll get information if/when you want to cash out (minimal $10 to cash out). The site was created by a student at Texas A&M. Legaly, its all kosher because you aren't gambling your own money. (Wikipedia) Logistically, there are a few occasional bugs like dual entries of the same event, but its usually ironed out (and recently they gave away free 25 cents to everyone because of a rough weekend of bugs with the site...its still a work in progress, but people have gotten their cash!).

Even if you don't make it to $10, I've had a blast learning more about all the gambling terminology I never understood before, like over/under, what spread bets are and have also learned more about other sports/teams just so i'm making more educated bets (thanks espn.com!).

Register here: http://www.centsports.com/?opcode=252215


(oh, and that hosts file that I use where you don't see any ads can be found here: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm . Just follow the instructions. You may want to back up a copy of your original hosts file if you feel your web surfing begins to slow down a lot as parsing a sequential file can be cumbersome depending on your internet's speed and computer's performance.)

I really don't know how much longer this site is going to be up with the balances of some of these peoples' accounts ($200-$400!), but maybe they're actually getting enough ad revenue.

Anyways, get registered and bet! Its fun :).

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Oh ok so that is you on my friend list.

Yea! If you have any questions about the site, just ask me.

If you opt for the ad driven bonuses, I highly suggest to keep going until you get the maximum % bonus payout. On occasion I've settled for close to the max payout (like 23% instead of 25%) just because sometimes it can take forever to find an ad that will show the full bonus.

Also, I suggest making your first bet one you feel good about and throw all 10 cents on it.

If you ever go below 10 cents, you'll always be granted a balance of 10 cents as a starting point.

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That site likes giving me problems. I don't know if it's their servers or my connection, or some combination, but so far it has kicked me off a few times.

Yea, apparently I posted this thread at the worst possible time. :doh:

The server was pretty much down for the last 24 hours or so.

I just found that it was back up so I could place my picks for tomorrow. Those of you that signed up can actually make your picks now...hopefully, if the server keeps up.

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Alright they finally got the site working for me. I got 4 cents on the Redskins +2, 4 cents on the Chargers +5, and 2 cents on the Seahawks (don't remember the spread).

****!!!!! Steelers beat the spread with a fumble recovery for a td with 0:00 left on the clock. And Cards won a close one in Seattle, but did cover. Redskins better win tonight or I'll have busted out in my first day of betting on the site. Come on Chargers you kill me!

Edit: they just took the TD off the board for the Steelers. Not sure what the ruling on that was, but if it stands I'm still in business!

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  • 4 months later...

real old bump, didn't want to start a new threat since it already existed, but this website is fun, and its free...gives you an excuse to waste even more time thinking about sports.

They give you 10 cents to start with and you can build from there through betting. A few of my college buds have gotten around $80 bucks through this...free, fun, no worries. Check it out.


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I've been on there since it started up.

Creator is from right here in College Station :D.

Also: I had my referrer code in my sig for like 5 months and nobody clicked it :\. You can check out CentPoker too, it's like a sister site.

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I'm a poker player. I'm curious as to who actually makes money with this. I get emails all the time from sites where you pay about $15 a month and they give you a set amount of points to play with, unless you're extremely lucky you don't ever win anything as they don't have ring games, it is all MTT.

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