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If the season ended today..............


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who would get coach of the year?Butch Davis is doing a he!! of a job in Cleveland,but after what has happened to the Redskins I would have to say Marty hands down.What he has been able to accomplish over the past 5 games is simply amazing.I'm really starting to think this team is on a mission and that there isn't a team in the NFC that we couldn't compete with.(Time to be quiet before I get too far ahead of myself.)

Any thoughts?

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No way Marty gets a sniff at COTY. His team started out 0-5. HIS team. The fact that we don't totally suck is nice, but it should never have come to that. The 0-5 start was Marty doing and has to be factored. Davis really should get it right now.

However, if we end up 11-5 or 10-6 and go deep into the playoffs, MAYBE Marty could get a look. But this team has to show vast improvement over last year's team for Marty to even be considered. So far so good, but last year at this time we were 6-4 and about to beat the Rams in St Louis. We have a ways to go.


"Men, there's nothing to get excited about. The situation is normal; we are surrounded."

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Clearly Shanahan...the guy's a genius...look at how he's brought in a group of savvy vets and put together a terrific defense. smile.gif Well...maybe not.

How about the another media darling - Tony Dungy. Hmmm...let's see what happens tonight.

How about Andy Reid - he's got those Eagles soaring..err...well..never mind.

As much as I hate the guy, you gotta look at Belichek. But the media hates him, so he's not getting it. Ditto Schottenheimer.

That leaves Bill Cowher.

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Henry is right. Marty doesn't get it now. Hell, the 5-0 record now might hurt him because it's a legitimate question to wonder how we lost by 30 at home to KC. But, I think if this team keeps going and finishes with 10 wins, he'll probably end up getting it.

Right now, I'd give it to Cowher. That team is playing some scary ball.


Doom is in the box.

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