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5 Changes after the bye


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This is a fun challenge! I'll try to come up with my 5.

1. Throw more downfield. This goes along with #2...

2. Use MK12 and DT11 often in games and help them get more comfortable.

3. Give the ball to Sellers. I'm with George Michael from Channel 4 on this; I love to watch the big guy run with the ball.

4. I don't know how to put this, but I can't wait to see Blache use all the weapons he will have now, lots of D-linemen and lots of backs. I know, he can only have 11 at a time, but think of all the creative ways he can mix and match!

5. Discover the best punt returner in the league on our roster somewhere!

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I agree with all but one, continue to use Portis out of the backfield. A LB can not cover Portis, and if Devin Thomas steps it up, we can totaly spread the field. We use to have a back named Kelvin Bryant who would strait up torch defenses out of the backfield, because they had to spread the field with the Posse we had back then.

We have all the weapons we need on this team, thats a fact. It's only a matter of getting it together and on the same page, and that will come in time.

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I wish they would include more plays for Cooley and less plays for Portis out of the backfield. Portis has done a really nice job in that role, but just not explosive enough in my opinion as a 3rd down and long back...unless he is just there for blocking. Use Cooley as a true H-Back, line him up in the backfield out of the I.

I love Portis, I just don't like him in pass patterns. And what was that calling a timeout every time Portis split out to wr?

I'm going to introduce a new concept to fans: Read Progression. Learn it, live it, love it.

The only pass plays where Portis (or backup) is the primary receiver on the play are the screens. If you see the ball go to Portis, (if you have Tivo) go back and follow JC's eyes. See if that was his first look, or if he was looking elsewhere first, then came to Portis. That's a staple of the WCO.

By the way, I agree with this one completely: "-Get Devin Thomas involved in the gameplan."

Zorn needs to find more ways of getting the ball into the hands of our most talented players. Thomas can still contribute during this time while he's getting up to proper speed. Hell, he should get Thrash more involved as well.

Actually I agree with pretty much everything youv'e said...

I'm in agreement here as well, with a caveat: I don't think anybody's trying to keep Devin Thomas OUT of the game plan, so there's clearly some reason why he's not getting balls. This offense (from what I hear) is a little complicated both for the WRs and the QBs, because it is based on timing. And with Devin Thomas missing the entire pre-season because he came in out of shape and then got hurt, I think that probably SIGNIFICANTLY slowed his development. If he's not where he's supposed to be when JC is looking there, the ball will not find him.

So I think it's more on DT than Zorn to get DT involved. My :2cents:

Good points dude. Couldn't agree more with the punt return. We've got to get someone else back there.

The real problem has been solved: Leigh Torrence is no longer on the team, so his completely wiffing on punt blocking will not be there. So the returner might actually have a chance now.

I understand that Devin Thomas might not grasp the entire offense, but Philly runs a WCO and has had no trouble getting very good production from Desean Jackson. You can't tell me that Thomas isn't capable of contributing more than he is. He has shown flashes in the few opportunities he's been given, let's feed him a bit more. I really thought the Steeler game was the perfect chance to work him in more, but it didn't happen.

This is a good point. Having said that, clearly SOMETHING is going on, because I REFUSE to believe that Zorn is purposely slowing Devin Thomas down. This actually really concerns me, because it puts a lot of the ownus on DT, which is not good.

I don't understand why the didn't let Thomas and Tryon return punts during the preseason or Rock for that matter. At least we would know if they could do it.


I might be a homer, but i think the Thomas kid is something special.

Thomas came into camp out of shape, pulled his hammy early in camp, and basically sat out most of the Pre-Season. Tryon, I dunno.

On thing I really hate about this offense is there is not enough play action. Joe Gibbs would be in heaven the way the skins are running the ball this year. Its a shame that Cambpell has that big arm and its rarely used.

I've noticed this also. But there's something missing in the play action game. Whenever they go play action' date=' JC looks down the field, and for some reason, it looks like everybody's covered. I don't understand it at all. But it's weird. I think that's something that Zorn and Co. need to work out.

When the skins run play action, I've noticed even the camera follows portis. I've seen the carmera guy fooled by play action at least 5 or 6 times this year. The first play of the lions game and there was also another one towards the end of the game.

I think it falls on the WRs. It's not the O-Line, RB or QB on the fakes, those are all working fine, but for some reason, it just doesn't work.

Here's another possibility: I heard this from Dan Marino years ago when Jimmy Johnson became the coach of the Dolphins: he HATED play action. HATED IT. Because the QB has his back to the Line of Scrimiage, then has to wheel around, and what Dan M. said is that "you're playing catch up in your read progression." There are also generally less targets in the routes, because you are trying to sell the run, so if somebody is covered, then there's nowhere to go with the ball.

So it also could be that this is something that JC is just not comfortable doing. Shrug. I don't know. But it doesn't work all that well when the do it, and they don't do it often, which tells me they know it's a problem.

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Thanks for the post.

What changes would you like to see after the bye?

Another wish:

Get Fred Davis involved. it looked like Zorn tried to feature him during the Browns game then nada.


Thomas came into camp out of shape, pulled his hammy early in camp, and basically sat out most of the Pre-Season. Tryon, I dunno

Yeah all that is true, but they still let him catch passes and return kicks. They may as well tried him on punts. I bet next year Zorn doesn't waste time playing/evaluating dudes he's gonna cut and really lets 'his' guys get reps.

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