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Factcheck: Unions Mislead on Health Care


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Unions Mislead on Health Care

October 17, 2008

They attack McCain's plan. One ad uses a bogus tax figure; another makes a false claim about coverage.



Two labor unions are running ads falsely characterizing McCain's health care plan.

  • A United Auto Workers spot features a woman who claims she'd pay up to $2,800 more in taxes. That's a bogus figure, based on a false assumption about what McCain is actually proposing. She and families like hers would actually come out money ahead.

  • A Service Employees International Union ad claims McCain's plan would "deny coverage for preexisting conditions like cancer." That's not true. Although McCain's plan would not require coverage, it doesn't deny it. Some experts have said one aspect of McCain's plan could lead insurance companies to avoid state regulations that offer coverage protections, but McCain says he'll expand high-risk pools to cover those with expensive care.


The United Auto Workers V-CAP and the Service Employees International Union are airing ads critical of Sen. John McCain's health care plan. They both charge that McCain's proposals would harm workers who get health care benefits at their jobs, but some of the claims are off the mark.

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And sadly the negative character ads from McCain get all of the scrutiny and put through the ringer on cable news while stuff like this barely even gets a blip on the radar. :(

Difference: Mccain ads vs. random union ads. Not Obama campaign ads. I'm not saying that these ads are right, but it's a big difference when the campaign itself runs misleading ads.

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How soon until we get the "they do it also" or "they did it first" contribution?

Although this one also has the "it is not the campaign" angle to play.

Difference: Mccain ads vs. random union ads. Not Obama campaign ads. I'm not saying that these ads are right, but it's a big difference when the campaign itself runs misleading ads.

I guess I should have bet the under on 6 posts.

But here is one of those campaign ones you mentioned:


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