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Bulletin Board Material from B. Edwards?


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Posted on October 17, 2008 by Matt Terl

A few people had emailed me to point me in the direction of some bulletin board material from Braylon Edwards. Most of them wanted to know the players’ reactions, but those were actually pretty pedestrain — lots of variations on “I don’t read things during the season” and “We’ll see what happens on the field”. The obvious downside to asking guys about bulletin board material is that they don’t want to provide the opposing team with material of their own.

But it’s nice to have something to fire up the fans for a game that doesn’t have a whole lot of recent history behind it. The last time the Redskins played the Browns was in 2004, a game the Redskins lost largely due to two costly fumbles, and the meeting prior to that was back on October 13, 1991. That would be a few weeks after Nirvana’s Nevermind hit stores, and a full month before Tupac’s first solo album came out, so … yeah, a while back.

Fortunately, the talented Braylon Edwards is here to give everyone a reason to get alllllll grouchy. Talking to Peter King for a feature story on the Browns in the September 8 issue of Sports Illustrated, Edwards offers up this little tidbit from the end of last season:

“We didn’t deserve it, but the Titans in the playoffs?” he said. “Tampa Bay? The Redskins! You can’t tell me we couldn’t beat the damn Redskins.”

So there you go: a reason to be particularly noisy at FedExField this week. Obviously, having our starting defensive backs would also be helpful in preventing Edwards from backing up his talk, but a healthy dollop of fan loathing can’t hurt.

:cool: ummmm?

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oh and as a side-bar, here's a little tidbit from today's practice

Here’s the quick update on the rest of the practice day that I saw:

Clinton Portis, Chris Horton, Carlos Rogers, Chris Samuels, and Fred Smoot were all back in for at least limited work, and all look like they should be able to go on Sunday. “Clinton ran around pretty good,” Coach Zorn said afterward, “I saw him make cuts both left and right.” No guarantees, but it’s a good step, and actually ahead of what Zorn predicted yesterday.

Shawn Springs didn’t practice and is being called a gametime decision, but you have to think it’s not a good sign that he couldn’t go today.

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