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Another sign that the apocalypse is upon us...

The Evil Genius

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Wonder how long it will take Fox to pick this one up for syndication?

O.J. Simpson Reality Show Planned

MIAMI - O.J. Simpson (news) could become the star of a new reality television show that would be centered around snippets of his appearances at hip-hop concerts.

But his lawyer says there's one problem: Simpson hasn't been approached by the companies that are planning to create the show.

"He's not in a show," Simpson's attorney Yale Galander said Wednesday. "They can't have a reality TV show and call it the OJ Simpson TV show without our involvement."

Urban Television Network Corporation, a Fort Worth-based satellite and cable channel, and Miami production company Spiderboy International said they are planning to create 13 one-hour episodes of the show using archived footage of Simpson.

"We've got everything done, the reality show is coming," Spiderboy founder Norman Pardo said Wednesday.

Randy Moseley, president of Urban Television, said he had signed a memorandum of understanding with Spiderboy and he expected to have a contract shortly. Urban America has about 70 affiliates and reaches 22 million households.

Much of the footage for the reality show will come from Simpson interacting with the public, Pardo said. Spiderboy taped footage in 2001 and 2002 when Simpson appeared at a number of hip-hop events across the country.

Simpson's attorney said there is no contract and no money has exchanged hands, so there is no action he can take.

Simpson was tried and acquitted of murder after the 1994 slayings of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman, but a civil jury later held him liable and ordered him to pay the victims' survivors $33.5 million. He has not worked since then because any money he makes could be seized to satisfy that judgment which remains largely unpaid.

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