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Why is it no matter who we play, we play to their level?


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I havent said anything all week because i had a bad feeling about this game. Everyone was either saying this is a trap game or we should feel like kings of the world, like we should crush them. I didnt think we would play good. We didnt.

For some reason, no matter who coaches this team, they play up or down to the level of their opponents. I dont get it. We are a good team. We beat up 2 VERY GOOD teams only to lose to the worst in the league? Not only lose but lose in embarrasing fashion? I dont understand it.

Pete Kendall. Im sorry youve been in this league for what 10 years? What the hell kind of play was that? Did you have a running lane? Man i dont even have words for that play. Changed the game completely. Went from at leat 10-3 redskins to 10-7 rams. Hands down one of the dumbest plays ive seen in my 19 years of watching redskins football.

The defense, thank god we have a unit like them. They played outstanding, letting up 9 points. This loss can not be blamed on them in any part. Turnovers in the red zone was it.

I do no think we will play like this next week. I think this was just a trap game. New coach, fired up players with 2 weeks to prepare. I just cant watch this team play to such lowly competition anymore. They need to step up because losses like this will kill us in the NFC east. Lets all watch the cowboys and root for the cardinals now and put this sorry loss behind us.

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I agree 100% with this post, weather we play the best team in the league or the worst we somehow always play a very close game. Part of me wishes we could find ways to blow out the bad teams but one reason I love redskins football is every game is a great football game. I don't know if I would like the redskins as much if we won every game 42-10.

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We do tend to play to the opponent's level and keep these bad teams in the game. Portis said it today that we should have EVERY game be decided in the 4th quarter. We are a good team and should be blowing some of these teams out.

I think Zorn will learn from this loss and not allow this to continue to happen. I think he realizes that he played it a little too conservative in the first half and will come out smoking with bigger plays the next 2 weeks. Mark my words, we will beat the Browns by more than 3 td's.

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I had a bad feeling about this game too. It was collectively a terrible effort from everyone.

Moss and Randle EL dropped some key passes that could've kept drives alive.

Pete Kendall should have just fell on the ground with the ball instead trying to act like Devin Hester.

Leigh Torrence lets a Donnie Avery outplay him on a underthrown ball that pretty much sealed the victory.

The "hasbeen" Dante Hall looked too good returning kicks today.

Playcalling was questionable the whole game...Why in the world did they play so conservative against one the sorriest D's ever?! Portis also should have gotten more carries in certain situations.

I really hopes this lights a fire under the ***** of the Redskins to play hard the reat of the season!

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