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I'm really torn here


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My Mom is attending the 4th annual FEDS (Former Employees of Dan Snyder) banquet today. The guest speaker is usually the last person fired by the dan, and this year it is Bobby Mitchell. Man, I would love to be at that meeting. Why I'm torn is the fact that I know exactly how all of those folks got treated when the dan bought the team. Conversely, I always want the Skins to win. However, these folks have a voodoo doll of the dan that is full of holes, and the Skins haven't had a winning season since they started sticking daggers in it four years ago. Life gets complicated sometimes, eh?

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"Retired" was the official word. However, I have it on good word that he was looking for a bigger role with the team, maybe GM, and was told by the dan it would never happen as long as he was around. Hey, with sayings like that, maybe I could get a job with the Times!

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Going off on a bit of tangent here ...

The whole "Bobby Mitchell deserves a shot at GM based on his years of loyal service" thing has always kind of bothered me. Kind of in the way the whole "Richie Petitbone deserves a shot at Head Coach based on his years of sterling service at DC" always kind of bothered me.

I remember reading that JKC was unhappy as hell about promoting Petitbone to HC becuase he didn't think Richie was cut out for it; that he was a coordinator par excellence, but lacked what JKC believed an NFL Head Coach needed. He bowed to perception -- and Casserly -- and promoted Richie over his better judgement mostly out of loyalty to Richie and concerns over the appearance of NOT hiring him and how it would play in the press and public opinion.

This isn't intended to get into a discussion on whether or not Richie might have turned out to be a good HC, but more to point out the possibility that Bobby Mitchell never generated any real sense of being a great GM candidate because he simply didn't give the impression to those in the know that he had/has what it takes.

I still get the sense there's some outrage out there that Mitchell never got his shot at the GM job. What I never hear, though, is what he did, beyond being a GREAT player and loyal corporate guy for a long time, to make himself a compelling option. Is it not possible that those in the front office -- and this predates Dan Snyder by many years -- who actually worked with the man year in and year out, just didn't believe the man was GM material?


It would be cool to attend the FEDS dinner, though. :)

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Originally posted by Om

I remember reading that JKC was unhappy as hell about promoting Petitbone to HC becuase he didn't think Richie was cut out for it; that he was a coordinator par excellence, but lacked what JKC believed an NFL Head Coach needed. He bowed to perception -- and Casserly -- and promoted Richie over his better judgement mostly out of loyalty to Richie and concerns over the appearance of NOT hiring him and how it would play in the press and public opinion.


It would be cool to attend the FEDS dinner, though. :)

Jack sure proved that theory right with the misery of Norv Turner. I don't why he was so enamored with Turner? Turner wasn't the sole reason the Cowboys won two superbowls. Jack did himself and all Skins fans a disservice by not interview several candidates. I bet you if he did, Norv Turner wouldn't have been the Skins coach and the 90's wouldn't been a better decade for us.

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I see this in my field all the time. We have had many guys who have languished in the field as Const. managers who never got a shot at corporate positions, but they leave our company and end up going to our competition directly into there corporate office and vice versa. What is my point here? Familarity tends to make one only notice the flaws and never the knowledge and potential.

And in light of my recent promotion to the corporate office after 14 years of service in the field. I wonder did I get promoted due to my hardwork and loyalty or were they just afraid I was going to sue them after my second back operation, or maybe they just didn't want to see me get hurt in the field anymore. I just don't know. What I do know is guys I have worked with for many years deserved the shot as much as I did and they were never given an honest chance. Why?

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It's silly for FEDS to have Bobby Mitchell as their speaker because he's not emblematic of the FEDS members as I understand them. Snyder's real "crime" was to clean house of all of the loyal office staff, including a secretary (her name escapes me) who had worked loyally for the team for 30+ years or so.

Mitchell was a respected former player who could have hung around for as long as he wanted, albeit in a more symbolic than substantive role, and who left or was forced out because he asked for more while not having done anything to earn it.

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