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Pft - joe theismann: No one holds joe gibbs accountable


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Well, he was kindof associated with some pretty damn good 49ers teams...

I remember when the Redskins hired him some questioned the move, blaming Cerrato for the 49ers salary cap woes. I never really studied what he did at San Francisco or even under what conditions he left [fired? just got a better job with the 'Skins?] so I can't form an opinion as to how much he had to do with the 49ers success. Of course, they haven't been very good since he left, but then there have been other changes in that organization...

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Thing is he set himself up for critics to feast on him. He quit the team without notice in somewhat of a shocker.

I didn't think it was a shocker at all. I sensed he was getting worn down. I don't think he has to work as hard in NASCAR and there isn't a strong loyal fan base for the team that scrutinizes every move. NASCAR fans are loyal to the drivers, but how many get upset if Joe Gibbs racing has a bad year? A lot less pressure.

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The handling of the Sean Taylor tragedy, in my mind was the greatest bit of coaching in the NFL last year. I do not think anyone but Coach Joe could have dealt with that in a way that, he put our Skins on his back and shephard them through something that is not in a coaching handbook. It may be one of the best coaching jobs in the history of sports, any sport. Yes reconsider coach Joe. The light only shines brighter.

Amen, my friend. Couldn't have said it any better, myself. :applause:

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Well, he was kindof associated with some pretty damn good 49ers teams...

I remember when the Redskins hired him some questioned the move, blaming Cerrato for the 49ers salary cap woes. I never really studied what he did at San Francisco or even under what conditions he left [fired? just got a better job with the 'Skins?] so I can't form an opinion as to how much he had to do with the 49ers success. Of course, they haven't been very good since he left, but then there have been other changes in that organization...

AFAICR, The 49'ers were good, REALLY good, before and during the timespan that Cerrato rose thru the ranks of the organization. When Cerrato took charge of all scouting and drafting, a couple years, the 49'ers stayed good, but had some questionable moves (Re: Druckenmiller). After he was let go, the 49er's records dipped a couple years, then went back up. I'd say that's a negative on Cerrato instead of a positive, he didn't coach them realtime, he helped shape the team that struggled immediately after he left.

Ultimately, it appears Cerrato's firing had at least as much to do with Bill Walsh coming back as GM than Cerrato's performance. However, nobody is going to mistake Cerrato's work for the miracles Bill Walsh made in 49ers personnel, or what Bobby Beathard did for us in the '80s, either.

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i agree with bleedbng, joey t doesn't see his last year with a clear view. he was terrible. he was more concerned with being hit than getting the ball down field. i remember the first play jay "the ego" schroeder had. i knew he was going to do well. joey t as i said was folding up tent when a defender got within 3 feet of him instead of throwing the ball so when jay came in the d was huggin the line. first play was a long pass to art the hall of famer finally monk. those passes with our wr were there all that year but joey t was washed up but gibbs couldn;t bring himself to trust a young qb.sound familiar. hey gibb's isn't and wasn't perfect no one is but he did pretty good with what he had. we were huggin the cap real hard and we had bad chemistry. we were much better off after he left than we were before he came back. yes,he tried not to lose instead of playing to win, which is what we are doing now(playing to win).but he taught this team how to be a team again and got us some stability and taught our owner a thing or two or three.and joey t be careful about pointing yo finga at the man without realizing you have four more pointing right back atcha.

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Man if any other coach was in Gibb's 2.0 place they woulda been gettin knocked. Gibbs' 1st mistake was going out and getting a old Mark Brunell who was about to get cut. He over reacted and gave a 3rd round pick and what like a 9 mill signing bonus to get him. He changed his offense hiring another offensive coordinator when all the time it was his QB he needed to change. Man I could go on. Lets just move on period. Hopefully Zorn will work out.

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I think having gibbs come back in 2004 was a great thing. Im a firm believer that things happen for a reason...I dont think any other coach could have turned this team around from the mess it was in. We needed a coach that cared about the redskins and knew what to do. Even though he made some mistakes on the way, its ok, no one is perfect. I think his positives outshined his negatives.... Good things happen after your at a low. We did make the playoffs 2 out of 4 times. When was the last time we made the playoffs before gibbs? Oh yeah back with Norv in 99......

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I don't want to talk about this pregame, but Gibbs has built a solid team.

Of course he did. Thing is Gibbs has a lot of bitter players. He came back to the team and did not give any of his former players jobs besides Warren i believe.

You think Doc would not want to be in the redskins front office making big money? Of course.

Joe Theismann wanted a job too i am sure. But what could Gibbs do?

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Theismann is a whinning ****... i am so sick of him... why dont he just go away... maybe he should take the blame for the loss in the superbowl... he was horrible... but whatever... i am just glad i dont have to listen to him anymore on espn....

joe, no one cares what you think... just go away please...

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Theismann is a whinning ****... i am so sick of him... why dont he just go away... maybe he should take the blame for the loss in the superbowl... he was horrible... but whatever... i am just glad i dont have to listen to him anymore on espn....

joe, no one cares what you think... just go away please...

Big mouths don't like peace. Him ripping of Kornhiser and Gibbs show he just wants to be in the news. What have these two guys done to him recently? Move on.

I am sick of these ex redskins trying stay in the news. Its Portis, Campbell, Cooley and Moss time. Now you. The 80s are over.

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I think the first season Coach Joe Gibbs had wasn't on him ... it was what he inherited, but the 2006 season is on him and Greg Williams ego. I am mostly happy with Gibbs II ... although a new Lombardi in the case would have been nicer. :dallasuck


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