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Palin Lies: One Man’s Protest on the Juneau Cruise Ship Docks.


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I got a kick out of this article, and I figured it would amuse a few of you folks:

Palin Lies: One Man’s Protest on the Juneau Cruise Ship Docks.


The huge Anti-Palin rally in Anchorage last weekend got a tremendous amount of media coverage, and support from around the nation. People needed to know that not all Alaskans support Palin as the VP nominee, or share her values. Some may even like Palin as a governor, but find her completely inappropriate on the national (nevermind international) stage. Huge rallies are great, but sometimes a powerful statement can be made by just one person. Here’s a wonderful story sent to me from Doug, a Mudflatter in Juneau, Alaska.

Thanks for standing up and speaking out when it was not easy or comfortable to do so.

Palin Lies: One Man’s Protest on the Juneau Cruise Ship Docks

For starters, I can see the Governor’s Mansion from my front deck. By the McCain/Palin campaign’s standards this would make me an expert on Governor Palin and her family. The problem is that the Palins don’t live in the mansion, unlike the Russians who actually live in Russia.

Last weekend my wife spoke with her Dad who lives in New York. He was concerned that his neighbors had just returned from an Alaskan cruise and had confidently reported that “everyone in Alaska loves Governor Palin.”

So last night I took a piece of cardboard from the garage, found some of my son’s tempera-paints and made a sign. It read “PALIN LIES”, in big green letters. It wasn’t clever, it wasn’t profound. It was just the way I felt.


I vowed to my family that I would go downtown the next morning and mount a one-man protest.

I would start my protest at the State Capitol, go to the Governor’s Mansion then end up at one of the Cruise Ship Docks near the center of town.

I somehow saw myself victoriously squatting on the Capitol steps flashing my sign to dignitaries and legislators (maybe even lawyer Ed O’Callaghan). But once I got downtown I realized that most people entering or leaving the building at this time of year are State administrative staff. I figured all of them already know the deal, and they would shun me anyway, in fear of losing their jobs.

On second thought, the Governor’s Mansion was a no-go as well. The Governor wasn’t at home. No one was at home. One lonely maintenance guy was raking the yard and all the houses in the neighborhood sported Obama signs either on their lawns or in their windows. I’d be preaching to the choir.

No, the cruise ship docks were the biggest bang for my protest buck. Thousands of people from all over the country, maybe world would see me. I had found my audience. I opted for the Holland America dock. It was close to the Red Dog Saloon, a local landmark, and near a series of steps that went from the dock to the street. People would be coming and going. Perfect.

I parked my car by the McDonald’s and went to a nearby barber shop to get a haircut. I didn’t want to be mistaken for a bum during my protest. I returned to the car pulled my sign out, careful to turn the “message” side toward my leg so no one could read it. I walked down to the dock and sat down on one of a series of wide arching steps that led up to a large platform, then the ship.

I positioned myself on one side of the walkway so as not to impede traffic. I put the sign in front of me and balanced my hands on top. I was ready to take my stand. I promised to keep any conversation on point. I was here to let visitors know that not all Alaskans supported Governor Palin. If pressed I would outline a few of her recent lies as they pertained to earmark spending, Troopergate, Alaska’s role as an energy producer and maybe some informative patter about the “Bridge to Nowhere”.

From the start people directly and indirectly stared at the sign. I was surprised how many people smiled. There were out-and-out grins, secret tilted-head grins and the little nod-and-grins. Some folks even turned to face me head-on and flashed me a killer smile with a thumbs-up sign. I was also surprised how many folks said “you are brave to do this.” As if any minute a black SUV was going to pull up and spirit me away.

For the rest of the article, click the following link:


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It must be a ***** to find someone that doesn't like Palin in a state where she has an 80% approval rating.

Too bad they don't look into Obama's past with the same magnifying glass


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Too bad they don't look into Obama's past with the same magnifying glass

Biden was more right about Obama being clean than he knew at the time of saying that ;)

I think Obama's "cleanliness" is actually quite impressive. He is the real deal, just ask O'Reiley.

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It must be a ***** to find someone that doesn't like Palin in a state where she has an 80% approval rating.

Too bad they don't look into Obama's past with the same magnifying glass

If I was getting checks from the government, I'd probably approve too. :-)

With that, anyone can research Obama - heck, they even use his own words from his book against him. We've seen threads debating his voting record and his background, enough that most folks have probably made up their mind on supporting or opposing him based upon this information. Or they can read books such as "Audacity of Arrogance" if they so desire.

Palin is new and needs to be examined. The problem is that, from day one, when she received a great deal of attention, this attention has been seen as "smearing." That has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, especially with shrill cries coming from the McCain camp.

I think Palin deserves to have a fair shake, but she can't be treated as if she is untouchable, except for positive news. (And neither can Biden, Obama, or McCain, for that matter...) That defeats the purpose of picking a VP that is seen as "Alaska tough," if she can't handle the American press.

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