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DNC member to endorse McCain


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You liberals seem more concerned that she called him an elitist than the fact that she defected over to the McCain camp. There are other women that hold the same sentiments and will follow suit. It's the beginning of the end for the "messiah". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

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You liberals seem more concerned that should called him an elitist than the fact that she defected over to the McCain camp. There are other women that hold the same sentiments and will follow suit. It's the beginning of the end for the "messiah". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Liberals respect political choices of other individuals.

It seems they have a much harder time respecting self-imposed retardation.

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You liberals seem more concerned that should called him an elitist than the fact that she defected over to the McCain camp. There are other women that hold the same sentiments and will follow suit. It's the beginning of the end for the "messiah". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

And a thought rattles in your head like a BB in a boxcar.

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Okay, so here it is. If you're rich, you MUST be an elitist. Is that correct? Oh, and if you call Barack an elitist, you're a racist. That makes sense too.

I would think that elitism is a state of mind, not the fact that you are wealthier and more successful than those around you. Is Joe Gibbs an elitist? Guess what boys, he rolls around in a stretched SUV and is ridiculously wealthy (and I bet he even owns more than one house!!!!!). He must be.

The fact that people can't handle criticism of their heroes amuses me. It's like children that fight about who's daddy could beat the other's up. None of you know Barack, just like none of you know McCain, Barr, et al. What if he is an elitist? You still believe in his ideals, right? He's not running to be YOUR new best friend, he's running for POTUS. I'd say "elitism" comes with the territory when running for the most powerful position in the world, wouldn't you?

:applause: well said, and I would like to add that I'm sick of people saying that if you don't like Obama it's cause he is black and you're a racist. give it up already.

I don't like him because I don't agree with 90% his political beliefs.

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You liberals seem more concerned that she called him an elitist than the fact that she defected over to the McCain camp. There are other women that hold the same sentiments and will follow suit. It's the beginning of the end for the "messiah". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Because it doesn't matter to some folks if she defected over to McCain's camp; it isn't as if she's a super important figure to a lot of folks in the nation. Also, there are Republicans who have defected to the Obama, too - may of these folks are tired of Republican policies, so they have a hard time supporting McCain's campaign.

Obviously this women isn't in the campaign for the issues, or she wouldn't have switched Sides. After all, Hilary's platform is a great deal closer to Obama's then McCain's or Palin's platform.

If women want to vote for Palin due to her gender, that is their right. But many women who support real pro-women issues aren't simply going to fall for such fluff. And if a women supports Palin's stances, then she is probably already a Republican and wouldn't have voted for Obama anyway.

"The Messiah..." Can't leave home without your right-wing talking points, can you?

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:applause: well said, and I would like to add that I'm sick of people saying that if you don't like Obama it's cause he is black and you're a racist. give it up already.

I don't like him because I don't agree with 90% his political beliefs.

More so, it is folks disliking Obama for reasons such as "he is a Muslim" or an "American hater."

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Okay, so here it is. If you're rich, you MUST be an elitist. Is that correct? Oh, and if you call Barack an elitist, you're a racist. That makes sense too.

I would think that elitism is a state of mind, not the fact that you are wealthier and more successful than those around you. Is Joe Gibbs an elitist? Guess what boys, he rolls around in a stretched SUV and is ridiculously wealthy (and I bet he even owns more than one house!!!!!). He must be.

The fact that people can't handle criticism of their heroes amuses me. It's like children that fight about who's daddy could beat the other's up. None of you know Barack, just like none of you know McCain, Barr, et al. What if he is an elitist? You still believe in his ideals, right? He's not running to be YOUR new best friend, he's running for POTUS. I'd say "elitism" comes with the territory when running for the most powerful position in the world, wouldn't you?

Not at all. There are lots of rich folks who aren't "elitist" ncessarily, but may be "elite" due to their wealth or influence.

This particular person isn't necessarily such an example.

Sure, I think being an elitist is a state of mind as well. And Joe Gibbs certainly could be considered "elite," though maybe not an "elitists."

It is entirely possible could be an elitist , but I think part of the issue are folks who are perceived as being "elitists" themselves accuse others as being as such. Obama unto itself being called an "elitist" doesn't bother - it's who does the name-calling that might. If it is a left-wing anarchist does it, for example, then it doesn't bother me, but, again, it is the context of who is saying it.

I guess it's the perceived hypocrisy.

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Things that might concern an American being Republican or Democrat


#1)Obama's association with Antoin "Tony" Rezko

:is an American political fundraiser, restaurateur, and real estate developer in Chicago, Illinois convicted on several counts of fraud and bribery in 2008. Rezko has been involved in fundraising for local Illinois Democratic and Republican politicians since the 1980s. He focused primarily on Chicago-area Democrats; for example, Rezko was one of Barack Obama's first major financial contributors. After becoming a major contributor to Rod Blagojevich's successful gubernatorial election, Rezko assisted Blagojevich in setting up the state's first Democratic administration in 20 years. Rezko was able to have business associates appointed onto several state boards. Rezko and several others were indicted on federal charges in October 2006, for using their connections to the state boards to demand kickbacks from businesses that wanted to do business with the state. While the others pleaded guilty to the charges, Rezko pleaded not guilty and was found guilty of 16 of the 24 charges filed against him.
Well...That would concern me too!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Rezko

Obama's association of William Charles "Bill" Ayers

:is an American Distinguished Professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is most well known for his violent radical activism in the 1960s and 1970s and his current work in school reform and educational curriculum and instruction. In 1969 he co-founded the militant radical left organization Weatherman active during the 1960s and 1970s and was one of its top leaders.
Ayers' contacts with the 2008 Democratic Nominee for President of the United States, Barack Obama, became controversial in the 2008 United States presidential election. The two served together on the Woods Fund Board from 1999 until Obama left in 2002. Ayers had other contact with Obama as a resident of Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, hosting Obama's first fund raising reception in his first Illinois state Senate campaign in 1995, appearing on education panels together, and donating $200 to Obama's campaign in April 2001[36][37][38]

According to Ayers, his radical past occasionally affects him, as when, by his account, he was asked not to attend a progressive educators' conference in the fall of 2006 on the basis that the organizers did not want to risk an association with his past.

Yea...This one kind of freaks me out as well... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers

Obama's association with Jeremiah Alvesta Wright, Jr

.:gained national attention in March 2008 when ABC News, after reviewing dozens of Jeremiah Wright's sermons,[1] excerpted parts which were subject to intense media scrutiny.[2][3] Wright is a retired senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and former pastor of Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama.[4] Obama denounced the statements in question, but after critics continued to press the issue of his relationship with Wright he gave a speech titled "A More Perfect Union", in which he sought to place Dr. Wright's comments in a historical and sociological context. In the speech, Obama again denounced Wright's remarks, but did not disown him as a person. The controversy began to fade, but was renewed in late April when Wright made a series of media appearances, including an interview on Bill Moyers Journal, a speech at the NAACP and a speech at the National Press Club.[5] After the last of these, Obama spoke more forcefully against his former pastor, saying that he was "outraged" and "saddened" by his behavior, and in May he resigned his membership in the church.[6]
20 year friendship down the tubes for political gain...What a guy!:rolleyes:

So you see....That doesn't count his issues with the ok of killing babies and the endorsement of Gay marriage and of course the big one...where he tells George this... http://current.com/items/89281854_obama_s_fatal_freudian_slip_oops

So yea...I'd say he raises a few eyebrows...:rolleyes:

Where are your facts about Palins daughter having the down Syndrome kid?Or any of the other crap you Liberals spew everyday to make Palin sound like a Bad mother,let alone a bad VP candidate?

I didn't think so!

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michael_33 your act has been old for months.

Don't you ever get tired of spewing this bull**** all over ES? Obama is not a terrorist or a communist. Its people like you that make it clear why we have a serious problem in our education system.

I'm sorry DarrellsMyHero28...I thought I was stating facts about why someone (particulary a DNC member) my have reservations about endorsing Obama...

I tell you what...Why don't you post some facts about Senator Mccain or Governor Palin on how their character might be questionable in being the most powerful person on the planet!

Do you dispute the facts, I have presented to you DarrellsMyHero28?

This SHOULD concern you!...Not just me, DarrellsMyHero28...

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But seriously, how can anyone who's pretty well off themselves call someone else an elitist. Tell me, what makes Obama anymore an elitist that anyone else in politics? It sounds like this "elitist" title everyone is giving to Obama is just a way to come up with a reason to not vote for him. McCain has so many houses he doesn't even know how many he has, is he a elitist?

Yeah but the same question could be asked how coula a man who got rich under Bush and has raised all the money he has for his campaign under Bush complain about Bush's policies when he has benefitted so much from it?

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Of course. They are all elitists. I expect them to be.

It's just kind of silly for Lady de Rothchild to be calling someone else an elitist, given that she is basically the definition of the privileged elite herself. That's all.

And actually using the fact that she doesn't like Obama because he is an "elitist" as the reason that she isn't supporting him. Even thought Barack and Hillary had the same views on most of the issues, and the fact that Hillary is supporting Obama.

I am not saying it is racism or prejudice, but you gotta come up with a better explanation than "He is an elitist ,therefore I am not supporting him." You open your self of to the racism label with that weak a** explanation.

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And actually using the fact that she doesn't like Obama because he is an "elitist" as the reason that she isn't supporting him. Even thought Barack and Hillary had the same views on most of the issues, and the fact that Hillary is supporting Obama.

I am not saying it is racism or prejudice, but you gotta come up with a better explanation than "He is an elitist ,therefore I am not supporting him." You open your self of to the racism label with that weak a** explanation.

I have to wonder is the support Obama is getting from Hill the same as the support Bush got from McCain.

It has been reported and was known at the time McCain was pretty much gritting his teeth while doing it, knowing it was the only way he gets to run for pres again

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You liberals seem more concerned that she called him an elitist than the fact that she defected over to the McCain camp. There are other women that hold the same sentiments and will follow suit. It's the beginning of the end for the "messiah". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Well that won't be the "Messiah's" fault that these women are still bitter over Obama beating Hillary and don't vote for him. It is called STUPID to vote for someone who doesn't share the same views as you do, because they beat your candidate. What makes it even more STUPID is that the candidate they supported is supporting the candidate who beat her, and they still are gonna defect. STUPID to the 10th power.

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I have to wonder is the support Obama is getting from Hill the same as the support Bush got from McCain.

It has been reported and was known at the time McCain was pretty much gritting his teeth while doing it, knowing it was the only way he gets to run for pres again

That's an interesting question. I think McCain knows that getting support from Bush will not help him with the voters becaus eof how screwed the country is right now.

I think with Obama and Hillary, I would think that the support is genuine. I think a lot of the bitterness comes from Hillary's supports more than Hillary or Bill themselves. IMO

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Where are your facts about Palins daughter having the down Syndrome kid?Or any of the other crap you Liberals spew everyday to make Palin sound like a Bad mother,let alone a bad VP candidate?

You don't have to list the facts about Palin's kid to know she is a bad VP Candidate that was chosen because of political purposes. All you have to do is listen to her say that she has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from Alaska to know that she is a bad VP choice.

Oh and didn't her husband belong to a group that wanted to have Alaska secede from the Union?? What kinda "Country First" person is that to have on the ticket???

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Well that won't be the "Messiah's" fault that these women are still bitter over Obama beating Hillary and don't vote for him. It is called STUPID to vote for someone who doesn't share the same views as you do, because they beat your candidate. What makes it even more STUPID is that the candidate they supported is supporting the candidate who beat her, and they still are gonna defect. STUPID to the 10th power.

No...What's stupid is not picking Hillary in the first place!:cheers:

If Obama picks Hillary,he's probably a lock at winning the Presidency...So instead of picking Hillary and her 13 million votes,he premotes change and goes with a guy who's been in the Senate for 30 years...Now that's stupid!:laugh:

Then hopes to play off Mcsame to the WORLD(W/Bush/Mccain comparisons) of the Republican Party when that Republican reaches all the way to a woman in Alaska....Why would Mccain(and staff) make such a choice?Because they are brilliant!:)

Will mccain get all the hillary voters...?Heck no!But he don't need to.;)

But women have been fighting for their rights in this country, even longer than the African community have been fighting for theirs my friend...

The day Obama was chosen as the primary,was the day the African community could speak about what they have been fighting for,what they have endured and Obama was the man to lead them to a direction they have never seen!

The day Mccain picked Palin,was the day many women got that same chance and opportunity from their VP!

But your right...Not all women are for the same issues and many of those hillary supporters will stay with Obama...(the true democrats)

Many women are just mad he didn't pick her(hillary) and we're going with mccain out of spite and with the Palin pick,that cemented that decision...(Angry Hillary supporters)

So what will decide this election or may decide this election?The African American women imo...

They are the wildcard in this election imo...Do they vote on race or gender or issues(or does the issues trump either one)?

This of course is just my opinion and the issues will obviously be a huge role in this election,but if people don't think there won't be "base" voting on Race or Gender despite that candidate's Issues are very ignorant.

Because the race and gender issues have long been a "fighting for the right" for people long before we ever had a President of our Country!:2cents:

Thank you

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michael_33 your act has been old for months.

Don't you ever get tired of spewing this bull**** all over ES? Obama is not a terrorist or a communist. Its people like you that make it clear why we have a serious problem in our education system.

or why abortions should remain legal ;)

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No...What's stupid is not picking Hillary in the first place!:cheers:

If Obama picks Hillary,he's probably a lock at winning the Presidency...So instead of picking Hillary and her 13 million votes,he premotes change and goes with a guy who's been in the Senate for 30 years...Now that's stupid!:laugh:

Then hopes to play off Mcsame to the WORLD(W/Bush/Mccain comparisons) of the Republican Party when that Republican reaches all the way to a woman in Alaska....Why would Mccain(and staff) make such a choice?Because they are brilliant!:)

Will mccain get all the hillary voters...?Heck no!But he don't need to.;)

But women have been fighting for their rights in this country, even longer than the African community have been fighting for theirs my friend...

The day Obama was chosen as the primary,was the day the African community could speak about what they have been fighting for,what they have endured and Obama was the man to lead them to a direction they have never seen!

The day Mccain picked Palin,was the day many women got that same chance and opportunity from their VP!

But your right...Not all women are for the same issues and many of those hillary supporters will stay with Obama...(the true democrats)

Many women are just mad he didn't pick her(hillary) and we're going with mccain out of spite and with the Palin pick,that cemented that decision...(Angry Hillary supporters)

So what will decide this election or may decide this election?The African American women imo...

They are the wildcard in this election imo...Do they vote on race or gender or issues(or does the issues trump either one)?

This of course is just my opinion and the issues will obviously be a huge role in this election,but if people don't think there won't be "base" voting on Race or Gender despite that candidate's Issues are very ignorant.

Because the race and gender issues have long been a "fighting for the right" for people long before we ever had a President of our Country!:2cents:

Thank you

The African American Women will vote for Obama at the top of the ticket over Palin on the bottom of the ticket 10 out of 10 times. IMO

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