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Coles is terrible, the Redskins are idiots


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I could point out all the flaws in this article but I'll let you all do it for me


This Time Coles Scams the Redskins, Just Like He Scammed the Checkout Clerk at Dillard’s

You’re damn right, I’m holding hard and bitter feelings. Not at the Jets for not matching his ransom-like demands, but more so at Coles for thinking only about himself. I know you have to take care of yourself and your family, but if you want to win Championships, you have to make it feasible for other players on the team to be paid as well. If we match his contract, we screw ourselves in negotiations with Pennington and Abraham.

Just as Coles scammed Dillard’s for getting overpriced merchandise at discount prices, he also scammed the Redskins to pay way overprice for a middle of the road player. He’s not there yet, and neither is his new Quarterback. After a few losing seasons at Florida North, expect the Redskins to release him or expect him to be the only player on the team. You tell me how Daniel Snyder will be able to field a team made up of Lavar Arrington’s and so on, and not be over the cap. I guess we should expect to see Spurrier start his offensive players on defense.

Regardless of the team he is now on. I loved this guy for the past two seasons. The guy that brought him here, Groh, wouldn’t give him his due. However, Herm made a believer in him. And I guess leaving is his way of saying thanks for the opportunity.

He did play hard, and he did keep his mouth shut, as he was afraid to talk about his past. But his past is now our future. Instead of developing himself into one of the leagues best receivers, he’ll have to try to make his new Quarterback make him look like a good investment. And he’ll suffer, and he’ll go through growing pains, rather than reaping the rewards. But his “heart is with the Redskins” and his wallet is certainly close to his heart.

All along, he kept saying Pennington was the “Franchise”. All along he knew, he wanted no part of this franchise. It’s a shame! But such is life. Pennington will be the “Franchise” and we hope Abraham will be apart of this “Franchise” on the other side of the ball. That is why we need to draft defense, and make sure Abraham has a supporting cast. Take Boss Bailey at 13!

F-Coles! F-The Redskins! And F-Daniel Snyder


By the way, here is Larry Menkes (the author) email. Just for $hits & Giggles


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win a championship? :laugh: :laugh:

Jests fans wouldn't know what a championship looked like if it came up behind them and bite them in the butt :high:

these guys haven't won a title in so long it was before man walked on the moon :D

to all Jet malcontents who come on the board:

eat me :cool:

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Don't you Jets fans have a board where you can cry on each others shoulders? You guys should be PO'd at your front office, not us. We did what any (and most every) team should have done. We signed (you'll have to admit) good, young free agents to reasonable contracts. Cheers to us!! :cheers:

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First of all my friend went to FSU at the time all that went on and he said Warrick was really the one who was responsible for all the clothes scandal and Coles happened to be with him but because Warrick was a Heisman canidate and there star they held on to him and suspended Coles.

The other thing is before we actually had Coles those Jets fans were all saying (fans and newspapers) how much they needed to hold onto Coles at whatever the cost. Now that he is gone they are like umm.....well thats ok he sucked.

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Take a Look at what this A-hole Larry Menkes wrote in another editorial posted on the 9th...:cuss:

Now they’re all Washington’s problems. May they all get hurt the first week of the season, after we clip them low, for being such money grubbing slobs. After all they make much much more than the average Joe that you hear is getting laid off day by day. I hope all these guys take out good insurance policies.

This guy need to get his jaw rocked after writing this sh*t!! I'd love for him to tell Thomas or Coles this personally. He would get the beating of his life.

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sounds like he's a little upset, if coles is so terrible then why did most jests fans want him to stay? if he sucks, and was the jests best reciever last season, what does that say about the rest of them? why dont you ask Pennington if he is at all worried in the back of his mind that his best reciever is gone.

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He says it all right in the beginning:

"I’m holding hard and bitter feelings"

That right there tells you where he's coming from. He knows deep down the Redskins will be a better team with Coles and the Jets will be worse off without him. He's a pissed off fan, I can't blame him.

That being said his article stinks big time.


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