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Why Aren't Tranquilizer Guns Used to Fight Crime?


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Sorry, but this has always bothered me. If cops had tranquilizer guns, they would be able to shoot people without feeling bad. I'm aware that it would take a little bit of time before the tranquilizer took effect, but imagine every time a guy ran from the cops - BAM! He'll be sleeping in no time. Mind you, I have no problem with cops carrying both a regular gun AND tranquilizer guns. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Also, why don't *I* have a tranquilizer gun in case a theif comes in the night? Why aren't these things being used for this purpose?


* An effective means to catch criminals or diffuse a situation without killing the bad guy

* WAY better episodes of COPS

* Totally sweet


* Maybe some idiot would be allergic, die, and his family would sue the cops.

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1) May kill the person anyway.

2) Dosage has to be calculated for the subject's body weight, and carefully measured, before the gun can be fired.

3) Is considerably less accurate than a regular handgun. (And in actual situations, cops hit their target with, what, 5% of their shots?)

4) Because of item #1, the cops would only be allowed to use it when someone's life is in danger. Well, when the bad guy is holding a knife to a hostage's throat, do you really want to point a gun at him, fire the gun at him, and if you manage to hit him, then he'll go unconscious in 15-45 seconds?

(Now, give me a phaser set for wide angle stun, and I'll change my mind. Those things can't miss, they always work instantly, and they're never harmful. Heck, you can go ahead and shoot the hostage, too, no harm done.)

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And Baterangs.
Okay, it's clear that the police need to upgrade their arsenal. I'm glad we can finally talk about this logically, and not let any of those pesky *facts* get in the way of it (Larry, I'm looking in your direction with your fancy, fact-filled first post).

What if we used a taser that could be shot like a gun, had *SOME* tranquilizer drugs built into it, and also could be thrown and quickly retrieved like a batarang? Also, maybe it comes in goblin bomb form.

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I have always wondered this too. I don't know too much about them but the idea of a tranq gun would seem like a safe alternative to having a gun. I guess like Larry said there is too much that could go wrong.

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