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NCAA Football 2009 Demo

Rypien 91

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The demo for NCAA 09 is out now. I am downloading it right now. Does anybody else get excited for this game? I get more pumped up for this game then Madden. I love starting a dynasty with a crap school and building them up into a powerhouse. This years version looks really good to me. It seems to get better every year, unlike Madden. I just hope they have a lot more authentic stadiums this year. July 15th is the day. I will probably be at EB Games at midnight again this year...lol.

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xbox360 by far, far as exclusive games on ps3 its total garbage, like the only good exclusive games on ps3 are ratchet and clank, metal gear solid 4, and resistance, but call of duty 4 is twice as better as resistance so who cares about that game.

360 has so many great exclusive games like bioshock, halo 3, mass effect, ninja gaiden II, and more.

Games u can get on both systems that are awesome are call of duty 4 and grand theft auto IV but u might as well get it on a 360 because xboxlive is far better than ps3 online. Ps3 will catch more attention once the price drops and the games get better but for now 360 is definitly the superior of the 2.

its def a lot better than last years. the payers dont "skate" on the field anymore... the passing reminds me of the madden for the ps2 and Xbox.... you can now pulll up your plays before the huddle, but also 2 fake plays to throw off whomever you are playing.....

overall it plays a lot better than last years and looks and sounds better

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one animation im very happy to see is when the play is over and players bump into each other they no longer bounce off like pong they have a nice animation for it. but i will reserve my judgement for when the game comes out and heisman difficulty. anything lower is boring and to easy. i like celebrating with the mascot though

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The game looks to be a big improvement from last year's game. The player models look a lot better, overall the graphics have been improved, animations are more realistic. The playcalling has been improved a lot as well. Now none of your friends can tell what play you're running. Hopefully everything else (dynasty etc) will also be improved. Can't wait for this game to come out.

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