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Selling: *Broken* XBox 360 w/ plenty of games & accessories


Who is the GREATEST "A" Band ever?  

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  1. 1. Who is the GREATEST "A" Band ever?

    • AC/DC(Hells Bells) [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=m2aZDH_bPY0&feature=related[/url]
    • Aerosmith(I Don't Want To Miss A Thing) [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEK22iup4Zg[/url]

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Hey guys, just picked up a PS3 after my 360 died. I fell for the wireless internet and Blu-Ray quality... so now I'm trying to get some reimbursement back from it.

I've posted it on eBay so feel free to have a look. It's a bundle of 20+ games including COD4 and Assassin's Creed, and just some random videogame stuff


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Oh darn was hopping for a hdmi version. Hey how much do you want for it? Don't really care if it red ringed since I've got the other 2 consoles to keep me busy while I wait for repairs. As long as it's not too much since I'll have to shell out for repairs. PM me with your price when you get the chance.

Oh and add me to your psn friend list when you can. I'd add you but I don't know your psn name. Mine is-


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Oh darn was hopping for a hdmi version. Hey how much do you want for it? Don't really care if it red ringed since I've got the other 2 consoles to keep me busy while I wait for repairs. As long as it's not too much since I'll have to shell out for repairs. PM me with your price when you get the chance.

Oh and add me to your psn friend list when you can. I'd add you but I don't know your psn name. Mine is-


Make me an offer. Others have PM'd me through ES the same question, I really haven't thought how much total I'd want for it.

What's wrong with it? If it's the red rings of death, your warranty through Microsoft is extended for 3 years after the purchase. They will fix it for free.

No. I already looked into it and because I'm not the original owner it's a $99 fee... and like I said, I know it'd come back to me eventually but I don't have it to spend, aka I need the cash now.

You should sell the games individually...you are going to lose out selling that all together. I understand if you are looking to just get rid of it and get what you can though.

See the posts above - it's mostly out of convenience. I don't really want to have to go to the post office 20+ times to sell all those games/accessories/systems. Obviously it will be a GREAT buy for anyone who has the time to do so, but unfortunately I'm just not one of them

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Why dont you try the towel trick.

*** Wrapping it up in a bath towel, leave the machine on for 15-20 mintues***

I've heard this is a short time fix. In that short time you could try to trade all your game + your xbox 360 in to Game Stop or something for some used PS3 games.

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Yea. It really didn't work. It would work for five minutes, then would just freeze on me again.

Right now I'm really not interested in getting more games (I have NCAA 09 preordered which is the one game I NEED). I just could really use cash right now.

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Figured I'd bump this to try to get any buyers from ES. About 16 hours left in the auction - prolly be done around 6pm (28th).

Maybe someone can help me as well. People are asking about a seal under/around the faceplate? How can I check that? I'm pretty sure the faceplate comes off but never tried - anyone?

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