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Seattle Times: Rocky Bernard Domestic Violence case


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Another criminal on another team, another reason I'm glad to be a Skins fan.


Seahawks defensive tackle Rocky Bernard's domestic-violence case will be dismissed if he complies with a series of stipulations for two years.

Bernard appeared in Seattle Municipal Court this morning and agreed to a stipulated order of continuance.

Bernard was arrested in April after an incident at a nightclub in Seattle in which a former girlfriend alleged Bernard struck her.

The order of continuance in Bernard's case stipulates he cannot have any criminal law violations for two years, he must comply with the terms of a no-contact order regarding the victim in this case. He must complete a domestic-violence treatment program and cannot possess any weapons. He also will undergo a drug-and-alcohol evaluation and comply with any treatment recommendations. He also must pay $400 in court costs.

"This represents him taking responsibility for what happened and taking steps to make sure it never happens again," said Jon Scott Fox, Bernard's attorney. "He really wants to put this behind him at this time."

The agreement is not a conviction and won't become one provided Bernard complies with all the stipulations for two years.

I found this browing a Hawks message board. Their fans keep saying how sorry they feel for this guy. They could care less he got arrested or hit a woman.

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Yeah, and you should see the Seahawks message board. They are totally defending him. It's sad. Seriously, almost every one of their posts says that the woman probably deserved it and provoked him. Then they have the nerve to call Sean Taylor a thug.

I ****ing hate Seattle fans, sorta sad since I grew up here, I actually have liked the team, but their fans suck balls.

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I'm not sure which Seahawks message board you saw, but at Seahawks.Net most people weren't defending Rocky, they were making the point that it's idiotic to make judgmental pronouncements when they don't know any of the facts of the case.

Come to think of it, I can make that very same point here as well!

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The board I saw, guys (or gals who knows) made numerous remarks saying that maybe she hit him with a bottle, started the fight and how "oh poor Rocky can't see his kid" crap. I'm not saying everyone was, but it seemed a large group of them were. I would post a link, but somehow can't find it on my home computer. I have a bookmark at work, so I can post quotes for ya tomorrow.


Also, the police report info in the Seattle times, "The suspect [bernard] walked toward the victim and punched her one time with a closed fist, striking her forehead, causing her forehead to hit a glass divider."

Then he was hitting her car window as she was driving away.

I guess my point is that the "vibe" I got from the Hawks fans is that they wanted to find all the reasons why SHE was at fault. They were completely ignoring the "reported facts" per released police report that he hit her for no apparent reason and continued to be out of control as she drove away. Just another case of someone (NFL or otherwise) making excuses for their poor behavior.

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At Seahawks.Net, there were comments about bottles, but they were hypothetical, not speculative. I think you were probably reading that board, but not understanding the point that was being made.

The first comments were similar to the ones here -- no guy should ever hit a girl, especially if the guy is an NFL lineman. Then someone asked if that was absolutely always the case, or would he be justified in hitting back if she hit him with a bottle. And then some said, yeah, sure, if she hits him with a bottle, he could smack her and it's self defense. But nobody identified the "he" in that hypothetical situation as Rocky.

And of course, there were several people including me who made the point that if we don't know what happened, we have no business pronouncing judgment on the guy, at least not in anything more than a conditional manner.

And why are you trying to interpret our "vibe" anyway? Look how ballistic you guys went whenever anyone said anything about Sean Taylor. (I know, some unconscionable things were said about him by Seahawks fans, to my chagrin -- but that's not what I'm talking about. Any comments about Taylor's past that were not inherently inflammatory nevertheless elicited a very sharp response from Redskins fans. And why? Because he became a good family man? And you criticize Seattle fans for being concerned about Rocky's relationship with his kid?)

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