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Pass me some salt for the CROW Im eating


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Good game for your club Redskin fans, looks like I was wrong in my prediction of an Eagle victory over your club today. We looked below flat on Offense and our D could only hold up for so long. This will be my only post until our clubs meet again in a few weeks. Again congradulations on a well played victory by your club. Looks like youve climed back into it. See ya all in a few weeks. Anybody seen the salt around here? The crow is getting cold.



Salute to Skins. smile.gif

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Props to you Lou for returning here. You know we're feeling really good right now. We've enjoyed the debate with you, and we'll see if some of your Eagle buddies will show up too.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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Hey Eagle Lou,

You've gained some major respect just by showing up.

At least you were right in one of your predictions : Stephen Davis gained under a hundred yards. Too bad he was out for an entire quarter with a bad back tho. And too bad Ki-Jana gained 56, to go with Davis' 79. But I dont think any Skins fans are crying that Davis failed to break 100. All that mattered was that Ki-Jana went 6 yards for 6 points, cuz thats all we needed

[edited.gif by Mick on November 25, 2001.]

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Lou, you don't need to eat crow, just a soft pretzel, which should already have salt on it. I picked the Eagles to win this game, and am stunned at the turnaround the Skins have made. Our defense is definitely carrying us. Oh well, we'll see how the Eagles bounce back on Thursday......but I'd love to hear what they're saying on WIP right now!!

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I still think you are an idiot, but at least you had the balls to show back up after your team got their heads handed to them. Next time how about showing some brains before you make such stupid comments as you did the past few days. I might actually take you serious!

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