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I have recieved a call from the Wash Post...


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concerning the ad we were discussing from Darrell.

Here is the price he gave me.

For a column 1.9 inches wide and 1 inch deep it is gonna cost $588 for a one day run. That is small and expensive. I have an email,phone and fax for the guy. I can contact him for any more prices but I thought that was crazy, I would hate to see any bigger spaces. ALso he needs 4 days notice to run the ad.

Hail Skins

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That's pretty ridiculous.

Anyone know of a good billboard near FedEx?


<IMG SRC="http://www.thelocker-room.com/images/RedskinLogo.jpg" border=0> "Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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