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Examiner: Man facing jail after e-mail threat over O’Malley’s immigration policy


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Man facing jail after e-mail threat over O’Malley’s immigration policy


BALTIMORE (Map, News) - Walter Abbott, of Parkville, called Gov. Martin O’Malley an “American sellout” and threatened to “choke the life out” of the governor over his immigration policy.

Hours later, state police came to his home and hauled the 44-year-old construction worker off to jail. He was charged with writing and sending an e-mail threat to a public official.

Now he is on home detention, awaiting a court date.

If convicted, he faces a six-year prison sentence and up to $5,000 in fines.

The Examiner interviewed Abbott about what drove him over the edge.

Why did you threaten Gov. O’Malley’s life?

I wanted to talk to O’Malley and see if he could become a hero of the people.

I wrote in my letter that instead of giving $1 million to CASA de Maryland, why not give me $1 million to create an American day-labor center, so I can train people to find jobs.

I don’t want to see kids go through 17 years of hard times like I did.

They should have a big house and a good company ... instead of seeing more and more homeless people.

I’m sure he didn’t read the six-page letter I sent.

How did you threaten the governor?

I said [in the letter], “If I ever got close enough, I’d wrap my hands around your throat and choke the life out of you, you piece of s--- American sellout.”

I am sorry for writing that.

I am not a violent person at all.

I would throw myself in front of a bullet for him if he were for the American people.

Authors: Jason Flanagan , Walter Abbott

Source: Baltimore Exmainer

Full Article Click Here:



First off I think the examiner lacks any journalist integrity with this article . First the man threatened to kill a elected public official, he didn't just threaten (big difference, and the title of the article is misleading). Second, the examiner has the man wrapped in an American flag like hes some hero threatening to kill someone. Third they glorified him even more by putting him on he from page of the newspaper this morning. It is irresponsible to glorify this mans death threats to a public official. BTW for the record I do agree with this mans stance on immigration.


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Hours later, state police came to his home and hauled the 44-year-old construction worker off to jail. He was charged with writing and sending an e-mail threat to a public official.

Now he is on home detention, awaiting a court date.

Looks like MSF will have a lot of time on his hands in the near future. :laugh:

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"I wrote in my letter that instead of giving $1 million to CASA de Maryland, why not give me $1 million to create an American day-labor center, so I can train people to find jobs."

hmm seems to me he has his own self interest in mind, because, I thought High Schools had this. They are called Guidance Counselors. Colleges have it, but he would like to see it so HE can train them. Maybe I am stretching it, but it seems he is a construction worker who is nearing the end of his usefulness, is seeing an influx of youth at his job knowing his days are numbered.

then again, I have no idea what CASA de Maryland is so.....

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