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Also, how much of a problem would credit rating, 14 year old legal trouble and visable tattoos be?

Yeah, I have put in a good amount of work to dig the hole I'm presently in.

Visable as in on your hands, neck, or face ?

A lot of restaurants will check your credit. The whole point being that if you can't manage your own finances, why would they let you manage millions ?

Old legal trouble would depend on what it was.

I would try to find myself a recruiter if I were you.

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Visable as in on your hands, neck, or face ?

A lot of restaurants will check your credit. The whole point being that if you can't manage your own finances, why would they let you manage millions ?

Old legal trouble would depend on what it was.

I would try to find myself a recruiter if I were you.

Yes, hands and neck. I pull it off though. I'm a captain/manager at a top ten 4 star restaurant in Jersey. I've had some intesting conversations with Senetors and Bishops, who shake my hand and thank me for doing such a great job. Somehow, I seem to be easily able to get past the tattoo thing, but it doesn't help me get into many doorways.

The credit problems I've had are mostly medical bills. I'm current with Truck/Tool/School payments. I havn't seen my credit report, partially because I'm afraid of what is on there and I don't currently have the money to fix it, so I havn't bothered. I have enough stress already.

I'de rather not go into the legal stuff, it's embarassing and I'm looking into an expongement(which I know nothing about, but it might be what I ge for my B-day this year). It steems back to being an angry kid, who's immiture additude towards a town that turned on him. I shouldn't have brought it up.

Where do you live?
Central, Western New Jersey. I'm an hour from NYC and an hour and a half from Philly. I can't stand NYC, but grew up in Philly and will always love it there. My family still lives close to the city.
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Im a big believer that sales success has as much to do with appearance as it does with product. But that DOESNT mean that tattoos would be an automatic turn off. Just a hurdle to some people. Obviously a swastika would be harder to overcome than a dolphin. But I wouldnt let that be an issue.

Heres an insurance license school in NJ. It looks like its a short 40 hour class to take before you can take the exam.


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I'm not having much luck on the computer trying to find a job and I am fairly certain it has everything to do with my resume. Being in the restaurant business, dates are hard to confirm and I have had a lot of jobs, a lot of informal training and responsibilities.

I'm not doing very well and could use help. I am about flat broke, so I can't pay for anything right now. I just got my suites back from the tailor and will be hitting the bricks Monday or Tuesday. Anybody have anything for me?

I appreciate all the help I have gotten so far. I'm not much of a reach out type of person, but things are getting fairly tough and I need it.

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Didn't you say a while back that you wanted to go back to school? Get some student loans and do it. I know they have a hospitality program at our uni, you'd put yourself in a whole nother catagory and jobs would be easier to find and better paying. Plus the student loan might get you out of the short term hole.

Just thoughts.

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Didn't you say a while back that you wanted to go back to school? Get some student loans and do it. I know they have a hospitality program at our uni, you'd put yourself in a whole nother catagory and jobs would be easier to find and better paying. Plus the student loan might get you out of the short term hole.

Just thoughts.

More willing than want. I am a whole lot better at doing than learning how to do. I am certain to figure school into the equation, but for right now, it's a job I need.
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Why is it that you left your previous job ?

I haven't (actually I have to get ready for work in a bit) and they are going to promote me to manager as soon as they fire another guy, but the money still isn't very good there. It's also a bit of a dead end job and I would like to get more corporate or into something else.

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Ok I have two ideas.

My twin is the GM of a restaurant so I know how much hard work it is managing and running a place. He is barely ever around, 60-70 weeks. He is always stressed about work. I would suggest looking into a catering gig. The servers and managers at reception halls and country clubs make stupid amounts of cash for much less work. Look into working your way up at a hotel or banquet hall. A hotel restaurant general manager makes over 100k easy.

One of my good friends took a very interesting road and started working for the railroad. We all thought it was a joke, but after the extensive training he loves it. He went from living in his parents house working as a part time book keeper to owning his own place and making over 50k a year. He pulls quite a bit of OT and works strange hours, but he works less than you probably do now. This is a great time to get into this line of work as the baby boomers retire.

Best of luck bro. I got lucky and started working with computers and networking when I was 18 still in highschool. It has been interesting but I got a pretty decent gig and some good experience I think.

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I should also mention my bud has a bunch of tattoo's from when he was in the Army, before and after he served in Iraq. He has one on both wrists, legs, arms, all over the place. The railroad doesn't care, just work hard and you are in.

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