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LeBron VOGUE photo racist? Resembles King Kong? WTF?


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Valid point.

I do agree that while the intent may not have been racist, the perception is out there, and they could easily avoid the controversy with a little forethought.

But the problem is with the few who are going to see it anywhere, whether it's there or not. There's no way to defend against them.

If you have to sit in a meeting and say, "ok, is there any way this is going to remotely offend ANYONE?" , then you would have pictures of puppy dogs and pretty meadows full of flowers on every cover of every magazine. I guess until the people allergic to puppy dogs and pollen get offended.

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I can somewhat understand acually, on this one. I don't understand the concept of the cover. Why is LeBron angry and why does he have that model in his arms??

I doubt it is racist, however, I just don't get the concept of the cover!

That may be the point of this entire conversation!

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I can see why some people might see the resemblance , but I think if the really wanted to allude to King Kong, they would have done a much better job. Lebron is hunched over, to make his height more equal to Giselle, even though (correct me if I"m wrong), he should have a good 6 inches on her. He has his arm around Giselle, but Giselle has his arm around him, too. Giselle is flushed and smiling, not terrified. They looks more like partners than predator/prey.

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Man, if that's the case I wish she'd just say so.

Jealousy is much easier to deal with.


I don't think it's jealousy so much as many see it as a taboo for a black man to be with a woman outside of his race. That's just the mentality of a lot of black women and, rightly or not, I think she's projecting that in her column.

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Did anyone thing Lebron WANTED to do that??

We have no clue if a. Lebron wanted to pose like that or it was what the Magazine wanted

Honestly any cover with her on it is money :)

They probably did a bunch of different shots. Who knows, he may have even approved that one.

What I'd almost bet the farm on is that the people in charge of picking the cover shot weren't like, "hey! He looks just like King Kong! And since I hate black people so much, wouldn't that be funny to have that one on the cover and piss everyone off!"

Yet another non-story people are getting all bent out of shape about. Why don't people just try to relax and enjoy themselves, and when something that really, truly is racist comes along, we'll all be able to band together and beat severely about the head and shoulders the perpetrator(s) of such racism.

Otherwise, if you continue to insist on screaming about nothing every week or two, eventually people are going to stop listening.

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