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Dexter Manley on DC 101


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Did anyone hear this interview. I caught some of it and he spent most of the time arguing with Elliott about past drug accusations. But what we got me is when Eliott says " I saw you interview in a jail cell with George Michael" and Dexter says "Who's George Michael? Does he have brain damage? It just really concerned me to hear this interview

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Did anyone hear this interview. I caught some of it and he spent most of the time arguing with Elliott about past drug accusations. But what we got me is when Eliott says " I saw you interview in a jail cell with George Michael" and Dexter says "Who's George Michael? Does he have brain damage? It just really concerned me to hear this interview

I think he was just playing dumb on the George Michael thing cause he knew what that laughing hyena was doing..what a jackhole, I will never listen to that idiot ever again or his fatass cohost...

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Alright I got the pitch forks who's got the torches? Lets burn'um down. I blame Dexter for going on a show who's host is a shock jock. Honestly Dexter is a big boy and if he can't take a few jabs, lets face it he provided enough material, then maybe he should have reconsidered his acceptance to appear on the show, unless of course he was forced to be on there.

You guys are funny, always talking about Irvin and other crack head Cowgurls but when Dexter is brought up it's somehow an unspeakable subject that should be handled with the utmost respect.

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man if you didn't hear it don't jump all over Elliot. I hate that show, but man that was all Dexter. He is way out there and sounds like he is on drugs again. He refused to say he had ever failed a drug test. Called that a rumor. Said the idea he was banned from the league was just a lie. He wouldn't admit to doing anything wrong, and kept saying that him getting through college without being literate is what made America great. It was really sad. He is certainly not following the steps of rehab as i know them. . .

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man if you didn't hear it don't jump all over Elliot. I hate that show, but man that was all Dexter. He is way out there and sounds like he is on drugs again. He refused to say he had ever failed a drug test. Called that a rumor. Said the idea he was banned from the league was just a lie. He wouldn't admit to doing anything wrong, and kept saying that him getting through college without being literate is what made America great. It was really sad. He is certainly not following the steps of rehab as i know them. . .

Exactly... It was all on Dexter. That dude is way out there… he was getting defensive over every question Elliot asked him.

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we knew all about Dexter's issues 25 years ago, whats the point in interviewing him now about it? so if Elliots show is that strugglin now for material then maybe he should find another profession his show sucks anyone...

Elliot's show is alright and listen to it every morning. I like listening to the colorful people that call in, they are the real material.

I used to not like the show due to Elliots laugh, once I got past that I enjoyed it.

97.9's morning show is horrible.

Don and Mike, meh...

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man if you didn't hear it don't jump all over Elliot. I hate that show, but man that was all Dexter. He is way out there and sounds like he is on drugs again. He refused to say he had ever failed a drug test. Called that a rumor. Said the idea he was banned from the league was just a lie. He wouldn't admit to doing anything wrong, and kept saying that him getting through college without being literate is what made America great. It was really sad. He is certainly not following the steps of rehab as i know them. . .

Exactly... :applause: :applause: :applause:

Manley was interviewed after Gibbs retired and I thought he sounded out of his mind then.

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Alright I got the pitch forks who's got the torches? Lets burn'um down. I blame Dexter for going on a show who's host is a shock jock. Honestly Dexter is a big boy and if he can't take a few jabs, lets face it he provided enough material, then maybe he should have reconsidered his acceptance to appear on the show, unless of course he was forced to be on there.

You guys are funny, always talking about Irvin and other crack head Cowgurls but when Dexter is brought up it's somehow an unspeakable subject that should be handled with the utmost respect.

"Shock jock" LOL! Stern is a shock jock, the Greaseman is a shock jock. Elliott is an IDIOT:doh: That stupid fake ass laugh of his is so annoying. His show is boring. IMO. He's worse than Don and Mike for goodness sake.

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I have always been a huge dexter Manley fan wore his number playing football through peewees and high school. But this morning elliott did nothing wrong he asked questions everyone wondered, how a man good go through high school and college without being able to read or write. And when dexter avoided the question he asked about him being banned from football and he snapped at him again. Everyone knows he failed numerous drug tests that's the facts. Elliott is a shock jock and I thought he was asking questions about his life, sorry if tour that embarrassed to talk about how you screwed up. But last time I checked he screwed his life up if he cares about the kids let them know what happens when drugs control your life

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The conversation began to go south when Elliott expressed his disbelief that someone illiterate could make it through college. He wasn't as much attacking Dexter per se as he was expressing his general disbelief that it could occur. He then asked Dexter how he could take college level tests if he couldn't read or write, and Dexter responded with something nonsensical about using all of his senses. Elliott asking Dexter if he ever smelled the tests was out of line but funny and imo was a net result of his built up frustration with Dexter's gibberish.

Elliott then got accusatorial about drugs/jail, but in my opinion if Dexter is going to respond to direct questions by saying they are rumors and refuse to offer any differing statements, then he gets what he deserves.

For those who didn't hear the interview, Dexter said his being in jail was a "rumor." He also responded to Elliott's statement that he had read an in jail Dexter interview in a major newspaper also a rumor, and said that because Elliott did not personally see Dexter in jail it was not fact. Or something to that effect. He then asked Elliott where he was from shortly after Elliott told him he was also from Dexter's hometown of Houston. He denied knowing who George Michael (sports, not music) is.

Dexter sounded like a drug addict, imo. Incoherent babble, and denial of any wrong doing. Elliott probably should have let up on him, but given the material that Dexter was giving him to work with I can hardly blame him for taking a few shots.

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I thought Dexter was just playing dumb the whole entire time and that Elliott was getting a little out of hand especially when he started screaming when he was asking certian questions. Overall I just thought they both sounded stupid. Dexter said he didnt know George Michael and that he couldnt recall to failing drug tests or if he had a brain operation. It was just stupid to me. The only part I liked was when his assistant got on and said obviously both of your days have started off bad and that they needed to start over and then said have a nice day and hung up. Other then that it was a little strange.

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there show sucks...that guy is a complete tool. I am sure D. Manley knew he had a few shots coming his way but giving the guy a hard time b/c he couldnt read...yeah thats hysterical (sarcasim).

The guy is a Redskin Ledgend, his only chance ever in life was probably football and he was one of the best in his time...to make a mockery of the guy in the DC area on a live radio show is pretty :pooh: Y

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