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DeAngelo Hall traded to Oakland for a 2nd round pick (mergedx3)


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Hall claims he could still end up a Cowboy

2:51 PM Sun, Mar 16, 2008 | Permalink

Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

This could very well be a negotiating ploy, but DeAngelo Hall told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he hasn't OK'd a deal that would ship him to NFL purgatory (also known as Oakland).

And, gulp, Hall included the Cowboys on the list of teams he's been chatting with about a trade/new contract.

Hall and his representatives are negotiating a contract with the Raiders, which needs to be agreed upon before the trade is completed, according to the person close to the negotiations. Hall's agent Joel Segal, who did not return several calls to his cellphone, was in talks with the Raiders on Saturday evening.

Hall said Saturday night that he did not believe a deal was imminent.

"As of right now, we're still at the same stages that I was at with every other team," Hall said. "New York, Washington, Dallas, and Jacksonville. Nothing has been OK'd on my end. Unless they agreed to something that I don't know about, but I don't think no team is going to sign me without talking to me and getting everything right on my end."

Indications from Valley Ranch are that the Cowboys are not involved in any serious talks with Hall.


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I'm joining the argument late but that isn't a huge difference in pay. Each one breaks down similarly on an annual basis (1.18 vs 1.55). The main difference is the extra year, but they could be a positive or negative.

Let's assume both players reach they're potential. Posluszny can become an URFA in 4 years, while after 4 years you still retain Olsen and will have a good feel for his abilities and would feel more comfortable doing an extension.

If we assume both players suck, you can just release them. Remember football contracts aren't guaranteed. I'm not sure what the signing bonus was for each, but I'm pretty sure they're similar. But because of the extra year, Olsen will have a sligtly higher dead money charge.

All in all, give me the #31 pick over the #34 pick just so I can get the guy I want or trade down with someone who covets someone else. The financial differences are too minimal to matter imo.

You stated you were assuming each player reached their potential but conveniently failed to incorporate Olsen's incentives in your numbers. That means he actually costs $1 million more per year and that is a lot being only 3 picks difference.

When you're assuming they both suck the first rounder has more guaranteed money, more dead cap money and it lasts longer (unless you take a bigger hit in one shot).

The 2nd rounders contract allows teams to avoid the 4th year RFA giving them an extra year to evaluate at a reduced rate prior to extending.

The values raise 20 points a pick on the draft value chart between pick 20-30. They do the same at pick 33 and 34. Yet between the final two picks of the (normal) first round there is only a 10 point difference. This is because teams are usually attempting to trade out of them because of the differences I already mentioned. So yeah you can trade out of them like you mentioned but you don't get the value you would from other picks surrounding them. :2cents:

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