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Associated Press:"Rental car used in Taylors death" (merged)


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Btw I've been in Law for 15 years. I was trying to explain what I believe the defense is trying to do. The defense is playing the "I didnt know he was armed" game. They want to get around the Florida Felony Murder Rule.

The way they are trying to do that is explained in the links above. If they succeed in the following then what do we have left.

1. Home Invasion (title XLVI 812.135) you still have to prove the others knew a weapon was involved and that they knew the residence were home.

So what r we left with for the others.

810.02 Burglary.--Under Florida Law

1. Entering a dwelling, a structure, or a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein, unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the defendant is licensed or invited to enter; or

** Burglary is a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life imprisonment. What do you think they get for a first time Burglary Offense in Florida?

My interpretation is that it doesn't matter how many times they have committed burglary, just that they killed someone in the act of committing a felony.

And doesn't "should have known" come into the situation, too? One of them heard a sound and said that they should go because someone was home, so that means that one of them at least felt that someone was home. They're all involved. Therefore, they're all guilty.

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