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Who's Ready For Gus Bus II?


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Recent rumblings out of Denver are indicating Gus will be waived unless he garner's a trade offer.

Chris Mortenson (and others) have mentioned Wash. as being the likely new home for Gus when/if this happens.

Mike Golic said, he thouhgt Gus would be booed off the FED-X Field if it happens.

I'm wondering why.

What did Gus do to get booed off the field? Butting his head into the wall hardly makes him an evil person. He wasn't the second coming of Sonny, but he wasn't that bad either.

I, for one, would welcome him back. How about you?

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No need for Gus. I know its important to have a good backup to your key positions but the last thing we need are more QB issues this year. I think Marty is sincere when he says that the Skins have other concerns to deal with before QB.


Bufford T Justice- Inventor of the Todd Husak "Future Starter" logo.... with the help of Blade

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A return to Gus would be a giant step backward for this team. If it comes to that I'd have rather gone with Dilfer or even Rypien. Of course, if Jeff George comes up with a gimpy arm then Gus might be a necessary evil. But it still would be evil. I dunno about being 'that bad', he's below average for a starter without being terrible. He's a placeholder and this organization is trying to move forward.

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I for one would welcome him back for the right price.Gus is not now nor never will be a franchise QB,but he would be a very solid back-up.IMO if we sign Gus and Lyle and with the recent cheap but smart pick-ups we have made this off season we will be just as deep as we were last year.

If you add that anda coach that will eliminate the silly mistakes(especially on special teams)and I think we could be looking at a strong season and if the Giants can go to the SB last year whose to say that Wash can't get there this year.

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I certainly wouldn't boo the guy. I also don't really know what he did that was SO wrong, other than play like doo-doo.

But I don't want him back, either. He's at best a guy who can come in and hold the ship together for 2 or 3 games for an injured starter. He'll never be the future of the franchise, so what's the point? We might as well work with the young guys we've got.


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what's funny is that we all know that Gus is an average quarterback. At the same time, he has been a starting playoff quarterback the past two seasons with Detroit and then Denver. Like Dilfer he has shown that (during the regular season at least) that he can run a basic offense and not lose games.

that is the traditional definition of a veteran backup quarterback. The 27-13 loss to Washington in 1999 and the 21-3 loss to Baltimore in 2000 showed the limitations of Frerotte in trying to get his team over the hump in the Big Game.

But for the $1 million salary he is being paid as a backup, who would realistically expect a Super Bowl run with him as the starter for more than a few games during the regular season?

Like Brett Conway, I see no reason to exclude Frerotte from consideration here if Marty decides to bring in another quarterback, if say, Jeff George's tendinitis persists.

If a player such as Frerotte could quarterback the team to wins over a couple of teams during the season it could enhance our ability to make the playoffs.

Of course, all of this assumes that Marty is being somewhat disingenuous with his praise of Husak and his stated position of not looking to bring in a veteran this late.

And he has showed this ability with FB, OG and LB already hasn't he?smile.gif

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"What did Gus do to get booed off the field?"

I dunno. Opening week, 1998, at the Giants. Gus looks OK in the first half and the Skins are in the game. He comes out in the second half and does a Neil O'Donnell in Superbowl XXIX imitiation. Rumor has it that Gus thought the Skins receivers had changed into Blue uniforms at halftime.

"Butting his head into the wall hardly makes him an evil person."

That headbutt was indicitive of everything Gus did in DC after his first 8 games as a starter in 1996. Honestly, either you were in outer space between 1996 and 1998 or you just didn't watch any Redskin games.


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Originally posted by Henry:

He's at best a guy who can come in and hold the ship together for 2 or 3 games for an injured starter.

That's precisely what you want a backup to do. However, I'm ambivalent about Gus and would prefer to stick with a developing Husak.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Guest Possie

An untested Husak is 10 times better than a proven at-best 2nd string Gus. All he's gonna do is challenge for the starting spot, and when he wins it, he'll choke.


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for the record, I never thought that Frerotte was going to be a top echelon quarterback in the NFL. At best he would become a Trent Dilfer like player that could get by on his intelligence and "working within a system".

That said, I tend to discount what players did under Norv Turner. Turner shoved Conway out the door last year because he needed 2-3 weeks to recover from a quad injury and then signed a procession of some of the worst kickers in the NFL.

Conway meanwhile got healthy and made 7 of 8 kicks for the Jets after John Hall got hurt late in the season, including a 47 yarder.

So, why not keep Conway and just sign a replacement for those 2-3 weeks?

With Frerotte, Norv tried to take a #7 pick and turn him into Troy Aikman. It was obvious that Frerotte did not have the confidence to hold up at age 23 under the weight of running an NFL offense amid the scrutiny.

He was simply overmatched by the scope of the job, namely, come in and be the savior because the franchise player the coach spent megabucks on, Shuler proved he can't play a lick mad.gif

Under Gibbs, Frerotte's career would have shadowed that of Mark Rypien and Stan Humphries in the early years. He would never have thrown him to the wolves knowing his lack of sophistication and knowledge of the pro game.

Whether that extra time would have resulted in a better quarterback down the line is debatable, but it is possible.

Meanwhile, Norv had the chance to sign Jeff George, Steve Beuerlein, Rich Gannon, Vinny Testaverde and a host of other veterans who made the Pro Bowl in the 1990's as free agents to run the team and be the starter but he stubbornly refused to admit he couldn't develop his own quarterback.

As with Conway, the Redskins could get the last laugh by bringing Frerotte back.

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Bulldog, I could be wrong but I think Conway went and kicker for Oakland last year when thei rookie kicker was hurt. Did he go to both Oakland and NY?


Bufford T Justice- Inventor of the Todd Husak "Future Starter" logo.... with the help of Blade

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yeah, he was in both spots. I think he made the 47 yarder for the Jets, though.

In any case, could you imagine a poorer selection of kickers than the ones the Skins replaced Conway with last season?

Heppner, Husted, Murray..............

Not one of these guys will be in the NFL this year. And Bentley was already cut.

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Wouldn't it be great if Gus came back to Washington and led us to a Superbowl? Hey, if Mark Rypien can do it, there's hope for Gus. Gus paid dearly for Turner's mistakes and when he and Sonny turned against each other that was the end. In Shotty's system, perhaps he can succeed. Norv confused him.


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Well, it isn't the first time I've been called a Spacecowboy. I most assuradly have watched every game since Bill McPeak was at the helm, so by the darkhorses adroit assement of myself, I must be in outer space?

Fine, I still think Gus was a journeyman QB, not great, not awful, in fact, a very amiable sort too. Not worthy of the millions he signed after his Probowl year, but then many are guilty of that crime. If they offered it to me, I'd take it too. My point was, I wouldn't boo him, and don't understand why anyone would, darkhorse notwithstanding.

So, we all have our opinions, as we also all have other similar anatomical parts; some much bigger than others.

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look, if Husak goes out against the Chiefs and has a 5 for 21 debut with an interception Frerotte is going to look mighty good to everyone on this board.

we knew we were thin at some spots, but who thought the QB was going to perhaps get hurt and be on the shelf with a non-contact injury?

I always thought there were 3 players the Skins HAD to have on the field to win in 2001: Jeff George, Stephen Davis and Champ Bailey.

Losses of most of the other players could be overcome on an individual basis.

But not these skill slots.

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One of the happiest days of my life as a Redskins fan was the day the Gus Bus was released. I swear, if that guy comes back, I'm selling my tickets. I am not going to sit through that again....


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Dark Horse, if the Skins were to follow some posters here and go out and get 35 year old John Friesz or trade for 37 year old Jim Harbaugh, you may change your mind very quickly about Gus Frerotte in a Redskins uniform.

At this point at age 29 and having PLAYED the past two years in Detroit and Denver, Gus is at least still an NFL quality player. He can still throw the ball and move around to some degree.

Now what about these ancients that are being mentioned as possible options?

To me they are nothing but empty uniforms, guys who were cut by woeful teams last year. Guys who have more surgeries than completions in 2000. laugh.gif

San Diego had the worst quarterbacks in the NFL last season. Why anyone would consider Harbaugh now is beyond me.

Friesz hasn't done anything in 3 or 4 years. The last game I saw him play in, he got sacked a number of times because he had absolutely no mobility whatsoever.

No, if it comes down to acquiring a qb to PLAY we need to acquire a player that put in some time ON the field in 2000.

Anything less than that and we might as well go with Rosenfels mad.gif

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Please leave Norv alone already!!!!



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Gus Frerrote has had two playoff starts in the past two seasons. In 99 it was with the Lions against us, and we know how terribly he played in that game, and in 2000 it was with the Broncos against the Ravens, and we know how that turned out also. He sucks,I'd rather go with Husak

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what you are missing is that the Redskins at 10-6 were a much better team than the 8-8 Lions in 1999. And the 2000 Ravens who beat Frerotte and the Broncos ended up winning the Super Bowl.

So, how much of that are you going to leave at his door?

Besides, the fact remains that in both cases he took over teams on the fence and won enough games to get both in the playoffs.

And that is what a true backup is expected to do.

No one is implying that acquiring Frerotte or another qb at this stage is a step toward the Super Bowl.

Without your starter and a top prospect on the bench to go in for him, you are looking in that situation to bring in a guy who will make your team respectable and win a respectable amount of games.

That is all anyone can expect.

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The more I'm thinking about this the more I'm agreeing with bulldog. If this George injury is going to be a long term problem - and I'm thinking it will be, unfortunately - we have no one who has proven they can start in the NFL to step in and play. Screw the Pro Bowl, we don't even know whether George can play to a Pro Bowl level any more, and besides if a Pro Bowler was available we'd have to get in line to get him, and at a high price. We simply need someone who can play decently and guide this offense.

The Dilfer comparison of last year is appropriate. I happen to think that Marty is building a team that can win a lot of 13-10 ballgames. That can happen even without George at QB. Not exactly sexy stuff, but the kind of stuff we haven't had here in awhile, and the kind of stuff a team needs to become a winner.

But we can't have that if Husak is no better than a 50% comp. and who throws more picks than TD's. In the absence of George, all we need to compete is someone like Frerotte who will put up as many TD's as INT's, who will keep the defenses more or less honest, and who will simply manage the offense.

Husak may also be that kind of guy, but we don't know it yet. I say give Husak the chance against the Chiefs to show what he can do, and if he leaves any doubt at all then get Frerotte signed.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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