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why arent we aggresively pursuing any safties?

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reed is not a starting caliber SS, he makes no impact, the differences between winning and losing games will come down to 1 play. I have already seen him run himself out of position to make plays and doubt he will contribute in winning the redskins any games in the 2008 season.

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reed is not a starting caliber SS, he makes no impact, the differences between winning and losing games will come down to 1 play. I have already seen him run himself out of position to make plays and doubt he will contribute in winning the redskins any games in the 2008 season.

Oh, you might want to let Vinny, Blatche, Zorn, Jerry Gray and our talent evaluators know about this fact that you have stated.

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reed is not a starting caliber SS, he makes no impact, the differences between winning and losing games will come down to 1 play. I have already seen him run himself out of position to make plays and doubt he will contribute in winning the redskins any games in the 2008 season.

If Doughty's making no impact, that's a good thing in my book. If he's not making an impact, that means he's not a liability. Landry's our impact DB.

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reed is not a starting caliber SS, he makes no impact, the differences between winning and losing games will come down to 1 play. I have already seen him run himself out of position to make plays and doubt he will contribute in winning the redskins any games in the 2008 season.

Dang Z0eboy no love for Reed? I thought Reed played solid after he switched to SS. If the end of last season is any indication of how Reed can play I will be happy to see him start the season for us.

I also think Vernon Fox has some skills at the SS spot. :cheers:

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We're not pursuing safeties because we are going to draft one. It'll happen somewhere in the draft. Reed isn't terrible but he's not that great in space. The advantage of having another safety who can cover is it frees laron to do what he does best. In case anyone forgot, laron is probably the best blitzer on our team.

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the only other conclusion i can draw is maybe the team is ready to start building from the lines out? we havent signed a single saftey and theres been plenty available, we havent gone after a big name corner, we just rejected a lito shepherd offer, and all i hear from JLC is that we are interested in a DT.

maybe were all getting our wish? haha

That's the irony of everyone asking 'why aren't we going after.....'

I think we're decent at safety. Landry is going to be an absolute stud while Reed was more than capable last year. I think we might draft one but I just don't think we should overpay for the safeties on the block in FA because they aren't worth overpaying for.

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Landry and Reed played well together once they got settled with Landry at FS and Reed at SS. As for other safeties.......if you can't say something good...

There are some decent free agent safeties who could push Reed for the starting spot and gives us depth. (I wonder how much back-up safeties cost?)

Matt Giordano from the Colts can play both spots.

Michael Boulware (SS) from the Texans played well when he was a starter in Seattle.

Bhawoh Jue would be cheap and he's from the metro area.

I would also like to see the skins draft Reggie Smith from Oklahoma

he appears to be a good athlete played CB/SS and returned kicks, but the kid didn't run at the combine, i've seen him rated as a 1-2nd round pick. He could add depth at CB and S.

Jamie Silva would be worth a late round pick or FA.

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We're not pursuing safeties because we are going to draft one. It'll happen somewhere in the draft. Reed isn't terrible but he's not that great in space. The advantage of having another safety who can cover is it frees laron to do what he does best. In case anyone forgot, laron is probably the best blitzer on our team.

And Laron can and did blitz from the FS position.

Unless you find a guy back there who can be a clone of Sean Taylor, the best way to use Landry is in the FS position. The guy has outstanding speed and can hit like a freight train. Having a lesser guy back there is going to be a waste.

I think Doughty did well in the middle of last season of coming in and holding down his end. We also found that Fox could be solid out there as well. Beyond that, tho, we are going to need to look for depth and for some guys who can push these other guys. It may be in the draft, it may be in FA, or it might be both.


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Get over it, Reed and LaRon are fine and the depth is fine as well.

The depth isn't fine. We have three guys under contract. Prioleau isn't likely to return, and how much does Stoutmire bring to the table anymore? Granted, it isn't something you spend big bucks to address, but it does need to be addressed.


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last season we lost probably the best free saftey in football to a terrible tragedy, and luckily laron landry proved he is capable of filling those shoes as close as possible. but we now have laron landry, and a bunch of second rate guys. we have five safties on our roster, they are

Laron Landry

Reed Doughty

Pierson Prioleau

Vernon Fox

Omar Stoutmire

thats a terrifying list of safties if you ask me. outside of landry, its all special teams guys/scrubs. yet theres been so many solid safties in free agency that we havent even met with. Erik Coleman is hardly a huge name but hes a decent saftey we could have at least talked to, hes gone. Gibril wilson got a pyscho contract so i understand not going that route, but we didnt even attempt to talk to the guy. Dwight Smith could have been a very good pickup for us, and hes no huge name either, and we made no attempt to talk to the guy. madieu williams signed another psycho contract so i understand not going that route, but now i hear Eugene Wilson is a free agent and were not even mentioned in talking to the guy? thats nuts. we need another good saftey, not even good, a decent one and it seems like were making no effort. talking to will demps isnt exciting considering how bad hes been. theres no reason we shouldnt be in the market for a solid saftey option, and it seems like we arent.

im all about not going nuts in free agency, but completely ignoring it isnt the answer either.

the defense actually improved with doughtry in there. we might have some talent on the roster that is waiting to be discovered ala Pierce who was by many considered to be a scrub till he started in

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The depth isn't fine. We have three guys under contract. Prioleau isn't likely to return, and how much does Stoutmire bring to the table anymore? Granted, it isn't something you spend big bucks to address, but it does need to be addressed.


It won't be addressed in the 1st day of the draft and you might see a FA or two for min come in, but lets be real; safety is not the huge concern of the team right now.

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I say again for the millionth time, Pierson Prioleau is not a bad safety! I mean damn people, just because a guy is a relative no-name doesn't mean he's trash.

Prior to his knee injury 2 years ago, PP was a fairly solid safety for us. More importantly, Pierson was a leader on the field.

Reed showed us that he is capable of starting for us, so I dont think we need to draft Phillips or any other safety for that matter.

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Prior to his knee injury 2 years ago, PP was a fairly solid safety for us. More importantly, Pierson was a leader on the field.

That's the thing. Last year he really looked like he took a step down. Before the injury, I thought he was the best cover safety on the team. (yes, better than Taylor) But, since then he's made a lot of mistakes back there.

I think it is a moot point anyways, since I expect him to rejoin Williams in Jacksonville.


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