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Offensive line, please work hard in training this year.


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I am seriously concerned about why our offensive line has had so many injuries in the past few years. These guys need to work hard in training camp to strengthen themselves so they can be healthy throughout the season.

It has been without a doubt one of our biggest problems in the past few seasons. To have lost Jansen and Thomas so early in the season, was a huge factor in some of our losses last season, and prior seasons.

There are many teams who seem to keep their o lines healthy throughout the season, and we need to be one of those teams this season.

I know that luck has some part in this, but we seem to have more bad luck in the offensive line area than most teams.

I know it is easier said than done, but hard work in pre season can help keep them healthy, and it woulld just be nice to see our offensive line have some continuity throughout the season.

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Jansen used to be the rock until 2004 when they had an article on how he never missed a start since being drafted in the league. The following weekend we played our first preseason game in Gibbs II and he went down with an ACL tear. This injury stared a string of bad luck.

In 2005 although he played the season, he broke both of his thumbs. In 2006 he broke one of his thumbs again. This season he went down in the first quarter of the first game of the season.

Hopefully he makes a full recovery and can be a rock again.

In 2006 the offensive line played together for 15 of the 16 games, which is highly unusual, it was the defensive backs that were hit with the injury bug in 06 not the offensive line.

I believe our problem is age among the trenches. We need to get young quickly on both the offensive and defensive line.

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Well its a good think you pointed that out to them! Im sure they will get right on that!

All kidding aside, I think it has to do with the training staff. While I think we have a great starting OLine when healthy, we need to make sure we have capable backups for all of them. By that I mean, because of these injury problems, we need to have a second set of starters available. We have Heyer who can play RT for Jansen, but we need a good C/G who can fill in at multiple positions. With maybe one other starter quality T/G I think OLine injury woes could be a thing of the past. Not ideal, but we need to have a backup plan because of past problems.

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I know it sounds elementary, but the offensive line has struggled with injuries for the past 3 years, if not longer. Why is it teams like the Patriots, never seem to have an offensive lineman go down for an entire season.

I truly believe it starts with fundementals in the training room, such as weight training, and specific excercises that strengthens the lower knees and lower legs. If someone breaks an arm, well that is truly bad luck. To have lost Jansen in the very first quarter of the first game was just head scratching unbelievable obstacle that hurt this team for the remainder of the season.

I also agree we need to work on signing younger lineman, but that is merely a band aid to backup the veterans who know how to play the game with their experience.

Anyway, I know its something we all know, and hope this season, we can keep a line together for an entire season, with the exception of a few minor injuries that keep a player out for a short amount of time. This team is on the edge of becoming a real contender for the Superbowl this season, but we have to remain healthy on both sides of the line to make it.

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I think we should get an awesome OL or WR in the 1st round

People preach DT, but think about it...over the past few years, our offense has been inconsistent and our defense has been overall pretty damn good, and has led this team. We should focus more on the offensive side of the ball, our defense is fine. Yes we need to get a better front 4 but offense is more important

Plus the fact that our line is so damn old, there is probably going to be another big injury this year on the Oline, hate to say it, thats why we need to pick up a big rookie

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