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Anti War protesters going too far!


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If that is how you feel than you don't understand the meaning of America. We all have the right to be wrong and stupid without fear of being "sent to Iraq". Now if they broke laws and it seems they did than they should be charged.

I think you missed my point so i will lay it out simpler terms.

If people do not like the country and feel it is so bad then leave.

And let me add this, If they do feel strongly about how the goverment handles things(which it seems like they do) then there are proper ways to go about changing legislation..i fali to see how tearing down a shrine erected to people who died in the 911 tragety will get them anywhere except looking like asses.

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are you really arguing that this was an acceptable form of protest? of course we all have the right to protest what we want, but when the destruction of property takes place, the protest has crossed the line. i don't think that anyone (maybe other than monk) is arguing that we shouldn't be able to protest; it's just that this protest, as the thread title says, went too far.

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I'm trying to figure out how you know these three people were "liberals"? Is it impossible for a conservative to act in a violent rage and destroy property? What the fu*k is wrong with you?

I'd bet my next few paychecks they weren't members of the Young Republicans.

Some of us who are against action in Iraq and don't care for Bush, were also against Clinton's actions...

So where were you then? Oh, I forgot, according to that Jennie air head actress/peace protestor, it just wasn't cool to protest clinton.

I know what I said was a overstatement but it gets real old when some take every single thing that happens in the world and tries to pin that on all liberals.

Liberal philosophies have brought the world such wonderful ideaologies such as communism and fascism, and of course the french government.

Mr Monk, America isn't about love it our leave it.

Protesting our own government actions make us a much stronger nation. Do you understand?

I understand the right. But some people are starting to go too far. The word to use would be "sedition". It's in the Constitution. Look it up.

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Originally posted by Air Sarge

So where were you then? Oh, I forgot, according to that Jennie air head actress/peace protestor, it just wasn't cool to protest clinton.

Sorry, but I wasn't on Extremeskins then..

FYI, I'm not out on the streets protesting now, so why would I then? Just because I am against action doesn't make me a protestor, it just means my opinion isn't the same as yours.

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