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"No Sean Taylors or LaRon Landrys in this draft" - Kenny Phillips(merged)


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Isn't that kinda funny Too bad we couldn't see what could have been..

Kenny Phillips

"This is an awful year for safeties. Awful. There's no LaRon Landry or Sean Taylor who everyone's trying to move up to grab, but Miami's Phillips, despite an underwhelming season, comes closer than many scouts are giving him credit for. No, he's not another Ed Reed, but he's a phenomenal athlete with the skills to be a fixture in someone's defensive backfield for the next 10 years. What he hasn't done is make a slew of big plays, and he can't make up for that in workouts, but he can establish himself as the clear-cut No. 1 safety if he runs well.



Weren't bram and larry talking this up today on redskins lunch???

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do you really want Kenny Phillips to go through all the comparisons and questions and pressure of replacing Sean with the 21st pick? it would be just so much for this kid to handle...i wouldn't want him just for that alone...it would be just much to much

the pressure would break any young kids career, i really dont think any rookie would be able to handle the pressure trying to fill such big shoes....

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as much as it can benefit us, i dont think we should do anything with the 21st pick regarding safeties. its just not right, it wouldnt feel right to do so....we cant, we shouldnt, its impossible

we miss you man, wish you were here.....


"No Sean Taylors or LaRon Landrys in this draft"

Good, nobody's getting ours either. Damn, I miss ST.

Instead of starting a new thread or bringing up an old thread I thought I would comment in this thread. I just wanted to say that I still miss ST soooo much and I still cant even watch his video highlights, I have read alot of threads about some members still missing Sean and alot of people seemed to pile on those people and say get over it, you never knew the guy etc.. But everyone feels different and gets over things at there own pace...

It reminds me of a comment jumbo made about how Sean has stuck with him and I just feel the same way, I miss him and its been months but I just cant believe I wont ever see him again, life is just not fair sometimes, sorry for the rant and for those that want to say get over it or move on, please dont waste your time telling me that, I just wanted to get that off my chest and I know there must be a few members here that still miss him like I do, like the guys I quoted above, miss you, never forget you, there will never be another # 21.... :(

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If hes there at 21 id be all over him- no homo

i mean, the way i figure we get a corner in free agency, DE second round and get some depth through the rest of the draft

we could still have Reed start at the beginning of the year and work Kenny in later during the season...

Dont say we dont need more Backs cause odds are were gettn a corner first round anyway...key word odds....i could still see us maybe picking up someone if they drop further than people think

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Instead of starting a new thread or bringing up an old thread I thought I would comment in this thread. I just wanted to say that I still miss ST soooo much and I still cant even watch his video highlights, I have read alot of threads about some members still missing Sean and alot of people seemed to pile on those people and say get over it, you never knew the guy etc.. But everyone feels different and gets over things at there own pace...

It reminds me of a comment jumbo made about how Sean has stuck with him and I just feel the same way, I miss him and its been months but I just cant believe I wont ever see him again, life is just not fair sometimes, sorry for the rant and for those that want to say get over it or move on, please dont waste your time telling me that, I just wanted to get that off my chest and I know there must be a few members here that still miss him like I do, like the guys I quoted above, miss you, never forget you, there will never be another # 21.... :(

Brotha, I feel ya! I haven't been able to watch any video highlights (except for the ones in the sigs around here) either. He had a profound effect on me and my friends. Hell, I HAD to go to the memorial the night he died, cried my eyes out. There are very few players that I would even consider using their namesake to name my child and he was one of them. I am reminded of what kind of player, person and father he was EVERYDAY because my daughter, Taylor, is named after him in a round-about way. Hell, I'm getting choked up right now just thinking about it.

Sean will always be in my heart even if I didn't ever get to meet him.

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man Sean was just like most of us, for real. He loved his family and he just wanted to play football and be left alone. He's the type of person who you have to earn his trust and respect. There are resaons why everything happens and unfortunately for us we dont know what he's doing right now but he could be in a WAY better place and he is looking down upon his family and knowing that he has done everything he could to put his family in a place to be stable for the rest of their lives.

And to me, That's one of the best things a father could ever do.

-Also, ST's little girl will always remember her daddy as a warrior, and someone who would have done anything for her. And he did do everything for her, even gave his life.

Sean was doing what every father and husband would do and that was protect his family and there was nothing fake about Sean and that's why everyone loves him so much.

Sean Taylor will never be forgotten.

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Dammit dont get me thinkin about HIM again.
Brotha, I feel ya! I haven't been able to watch any video highlights (except for the ones in the sigs around here) either. He had a profound effect on me and my friends. Hell, I HAD to go to the memorial the night he died, cried my eyes out. There are very few players that I would even consider using their namesake to name my child and he was one of them. I am reminded of what kind of player, person and father he was EVERYDAY because my daughter, Taylor, is named after him in a round-about way. Hell, I'm getting choked up right now just thinking about it.

Sean will always be in my heart even if I didn't ever get to meet him.

man Sean was just like most of us, for real. He loved his family and he just wanted to play football and be left alone. He's the type of person who you have to earn his trust and respect. There are resaons why everything happens and unfortunately for us we dont know what he's doing right now but he could be in a WAY better place and he is looking down upon his family and knowing that he has done everything he could to put his family in a place to be stable for the rest of their lives.

And to me, That's one of the best things a father could ever do.

-Also, ST's little girl will always remember her daddy as a warrior, and someone who would have done anything for her. And he did do everything for her, even gave his life.

Sean was doing what every father and husband would do and that was protect his family and there was nothing fake about Sean and that's why everyone loves him so much.

Sean Taylor will never be forgotten.

Good to know you guys feel the same way. I miss him so much and I know you guys feel the same way. I was at the memorial the night he died as well man. RIP #21:(
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And yea Ronnie lott was very good, but the Prospect of Sean Taylor and LaRon Landry as the Prototype FS make people drool.

Ronnie Lott ended up being great by the end of his career.

Sean was considered really good after his rookie season.

And same with LaRon.

So it's not anyone is saying they are the best safetys EVER, but they could arguably be. It's all an opinion McD.

Ronnie Lott is a Hall of Famer. ST never got the chance to be. To label ST as the best ever or best duo ever is just blind loyalty. ST had many more years to perfrom and unfortunately we will never know his full potential.

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I like Kenny Phillips a lot. I think a lot of his lack of production had to do with the team at Miami. They weren't very good. When ST was there they were winning rings. Better players around you make you better. In Gregg Williams system I would have loved for them to pick up Phillips. He would have fit well and let Laron be a SS which is what they envisioned him being.

We all know there will never be another Sean Taylor. He was once in a lifetime. I'm just glad he was skin.

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Ronnie Lott is a Hall of Famer. ST never got the chance to be. To label ST as the best ever or best duo ever is just blind loyalty. ST had many more years to perfrom and unfortunately we will never know his full potential.

dude, what are you talking about? I never once in my post said ST or LaRon were the best ever OR the best DUO ever.

I said we missed out on probably the best safety tandem to ever play together( and it's not blind loyalty to say that.)

But I did say that the Prosepects of Seans and LaRons speed and range and smarts made people drool.

Next time, try reading the thread thoroughly before you respond cus you are just puttin words in my mouth that I didnt say.

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Yeah, it would be wierd to see a Safety from Miami taken at #21 - but maybe also fitting in a way. Obviously Sean Taylor can't be replaced, but like it or not, we're going to have to look at filling his shoes sooner rather than later. If we can take care of our other needs through different means, Kenny Phillips is there and the best player available at our biggest position of need at the time, I wouldn't be suprised if we pick him up.

When it comes down to it, the team is a business and has to be run as such. The front office knows this. I really don't think they would either pass on Kenny Phillips, draft him at #21, or move up or down to get him based in any way on emotional sentiment for Sean. Sure, if we take a safety early, there's going to be mention of Sean and whatnot, but I don't think it would really factor into the decision. At least I hope not, because the team shouldn't make any football personnel decisions based primarily on sentiment or emotion.

Would we take Kenny Phillips or another safety at #21 or early in the draft? Probably not, but I wouldn't be shocked if we did. And if we did, we would owe it to the new player to judge him by his own play, not against the play of Sean.

We'll always miss Sean, but filling the void left by his departure is an important part of the grieving process and coming to terms with the loss. At some point, we have to get fired up and sing "Hail to the Redskins" and cheer on whoever is our starting free safety for the future.

He just better not be wearing #21.

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ASHBURN, Va. -- When LaRon Landry was 5 years old, he used a fake ID to play football with an older team. With that kind of fast-track mentality, it's no surprise he has accomplished what Sean Taylor and Carlos Rogers couldn't -- worked his way into the starting lineup during his rookie training camp with the Washington Redskins.

No wonder LaRon is a BEAST. He's been palying with older kids since he was 5!! haha

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