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Dubai looks incredible. This is simply amazing.


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one last thing... I am not saying that people don't have different tastes... I am just saying that once you actually are next to these big ass buildings and think "oh wow that's cool" , and once you spend 2 hours trying to drive 10 blocks in 100 degree weather you may think that well maybe I there's something more to a cool place than what it looks like in pictures.

If you like expensive hotels, bad traffic, and big buildings, then yes I admit, you will probably love Dubai

And, no, nobody likes Frankfurt

Atleast Frankfurt have a good mix of old and modern architechure.

And I wish DC had their subway system.

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That's on my list, I'm slowing moving east :)

St.Petersburg(Leningrad :rolleyes: )is another city I really want to see.

I find that the further east I go, the more I enjoy myself. I think as the cultures get further and further away from European influence, I find them infinitely more fascinating. That's why my ultimate goal is Tokyo.

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It's a financial district in the ****ing desert... you can have more fun in New York or hundreds of other cultured cities.

Exactly. Like I was saying, I'd love to visit this place.... if only just to be able to go, "hey, I've been there!" But to live in a place like that for an extended period of time? No way. You're on the other side of the world in a desert between Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. No matter how many crazy buildings or amusement parks or bridges or islands they're building, it's still Dubai.

I enjoy seeing my family and friends, and also going to American sporting events throughout the year (like maybe seeing the REDSKINS?!).

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No joke, Dubai is where James Bond-like villains go to retire with their loot. My uncle has been a developer there for almost 10 years and I can't believe the horror stories he tells me. BTW, my uncle is a despicable man and I doubt he thinks the same way of his stories as I do.

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