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Key things Marty said during interview after todays practice. (on redskins.com)


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Practices are going to be pads in the morning and shelves in the afterfoon.

Marty says Mookie Moore and Matt Cambell are in the lead for starting guards.

Kenny Watson, Ki-Jana Carter, and Micheal Bates could all be our 3rd down backs, if Davis sits.

CB battle is still wide open.

Marty is very well pleased with tight ends.(Flemister is doing a lot better).

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Moore's supposed to be in the lead for the right guard position. that's next to janson.

I think steven Davis will be running downhill on the right.

Now if Fletcher at 350 continues to improve and gets into real football shape, the line could be monstrous. (remember he couldn't even finish wind sprints back early in the summer.)

If he couldn't finish wind sprints, he had a lot farther to go than the others did. Now that marty's lit a fire under him, he's getting into shape and can compete. If he continues to improve his shape, he will eventually get into the line-up.

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because of the uncertainty inside, I don't know where Moore will end up playing. There is a possibility he could end up on the left side when all is said and done.

one thing that surprises me is that Ben Coleman is now listed as a backup along with Derrick Fletcher. Marty has praised both Coleman and Fletcher to the press, but has been silent on Moore and Campbell and now it appears THEY are the leading candidates to start!

some kind of politics, eh? Marty is probably using this as a motivational tool for Coleman who came in and assured everybody he was ready to have a monster season.

Perhaps his conditioning and work so far have not been to standard?

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I think Coleman's real competetion is Campbell because bopth of them can play OG or OT. I hope that Fletcher or Mookie can beat out one of them so that when a starter gets hurt we only have to replace one position on the OL. It might be that coach Shotts is thinking the same way. Then it becomes a competetion of Mookie and Campbell vs Coleman and Fletcher.

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