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Skins to not offer Mooch Job--Fassell likely choice per John C


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This will be one of the most stupidest choices Dan Snyder can and will make if he does. I swear what is it? Why is it most people that have so much money are as dumb as the day is long? How can Snyder even consider him? I mean to see Gibbs leave to then hire Fassel? Man Snyder must be smoking some fish scale coke or something because this man has about as much Football Smarts as a retarded bird. Should this become a reality I will never root or be a fan of the Redskins until Snyder DROPS DEAD and this team is sold to a qualified owner that understands football and not the same retarded knee jerk decisions Snyder has a history of making. For this to be such a awesome day for Monk and Green to read this makes me want to puke!

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