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Will Sean Taylors death change the HOF voters minds?I doubt it!!!


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I got to thinking about this the other day...

Would you really be all that suprised to see 1 if not all 3 skins go into the HOF,with the PUBLICITY(key word there)that the Redskins got with the death of our beloved #21 Sean TAylor?

We all that the reason Monk isn't in the HOF is not because no "signature catch"...."7 yard curls"..."3 prowbowls"..yadayadayada..

FACT of the matter is:There's only 2 reasons why Art Monk is not in the HOF right now!

1)He was quiet!Didn't like to to talk to the media and maybe even done so in a "seemed" (disrespectful manner)...As awesome as Monk was,he really was no flashy kinda player...It was like a 9-5 job with Monk!Did his job and went home...Didn't even want to explain why this or why that...Therefore,the reprecussions of his elusiveness towards the media...was a dislike and offended media and their peers!


2)There truly is a conspiracy against the Washington Redskins!(for whatever reason)

It's that simple folks!

My opinion:is answer #2

You ask why?Because if Monk sole reason for not being in the HOF yet is because of option #1,then where are the rest of the Redskin HOFes?

How can the Greatest O-line not have any members?Not arguable the best.....THE BEST!!Because they were classified as a group...?Then why are they not in the HOF as a group?You give me any team in the NFL and their O-line and I throw Jacoby,May,Grimm,Bostic....soon was added Lachey(where the hell is Lachey in this talk...GUY was a freakin BEAST!!)Schlereth,

and you know....If one goes in...you know who it will be right?

That's right our very own HOF great=Denver Bronco FAN...MARK!

Then there's the counter argument on MONK....That he wasn't even the best WR....Not even the guy teams feared!!They say teams feared Clark...

Have you seen Clarks numbers?UsfL and NFL #'s, since it's the "PRO" football HOF...?Like Warren Moon's stats?

Clark isn't even an afterthought for the HALL...!!

Manley is the Redskins ALL-TIME sack leader..Where is he in the HOF discussions...vanished... :mad:

And you've seen my Chris Hanburger thread...1000 prowbowls,yet not good enough...top LBer of his era..

Do you think this 2007 Patriots team only has a coach and RB as a HOFer on their team...Let's look at the possibilities...





Do I really need to go on....?(and their considered the best team of all time now!)

We won 3 SB's(appeared in 4) in a 10 year span....and your gonna tell me we have a Head coach(who sure didn't add on to his credentials these last 4 seasons...)and a RB/FB in John Riggins (who I think cost us 18...but I'll leave that alone)Remember...?the Fumble?He's gone...All the way...NOPE!!Nevermind...

Personally....I love gibbs alot...I truly do and will never forget him...But I think and truly believe...That his Mediocre(being nice) 4 year stint here,is more PROOF,that we have more than 1 HOF player during our Dynasty!!

I'm sure you felt my anger....And I'm sorry....But I had to let it out!!

Sorry...But I refuse to believe that the only reason why we have 1 HOF on all those great teams is because MONK doesn't talk to the media...... :(

Exactly!There some redskin hatin' going on and DR Z is full of crap...

I could write and tell you that I didn't sleep with your MOM....Does it make it true?

Neither does his claim for voting MONK in!

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